Chapter Eighteen- Is This The End? Part Two

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After receiving the call from the detective, Mikey made his way to the station and into the conference room where several of the marked items from the Parnell's trash were laid out on the table. He glanced down at each of the items, "You find anything interesting?"

"Only this." The detective said, pointing at one of the marked items.

"Mm-hmm, ladies' hair dye. Black hair dye." Mikey said, examining it.

"Probably explains the substance you found in the sink. You spoke to the boy, his hair look dyed to you?" The detective questioned.

Mikey shook his head, "No. And unless it caused Parnell's to fall out, it wasn't his either." He shrugged , "Sketchy, but not grounds for a warrant and probably not what's got you so excited to call me down here."

"We pulled prints, We got a hit, but not Eric Parnell's. The son."

"You tellin' me little Stevie Parnell is a felon?" Mikey cocked his head to the side with a grin.

"No, I'm telling you that Stevie Parnell is not Stevie Parnell. His real name is Jacob Daniel Walters, and he went missing in Merced, California in 2012. Snatched off the streets. He was six years old."

"My god." Mikey's face turned into one of surprise.

"Yep. The original investigators pulled Jacob's prints back in the day. It's a match, no doubt about it."

"What now?" Mikey asked.


The detectives and Mikey eventually had the grounds for a warrant. The judge quickly and easily issued the warrant and SWAT was soon contacted.

They rushed into the house, bursting through the door only to find that nobody was there. It was clean. Everything was cleared out but Mikey had reason to believe they would come back.

He and the detective remained on watch duty in their patrol cars. Mikey was tired, exhausted from the lack of sleep but he was determined to find these missing boys and return them to their families.

He had slightly dozed off when his phone began to buzz, he quickly answered it seeing as it was from the dispatch centre.

"This is Officer Andrews."

"Mikey, it's Maddie. I've got Stevie Parnell on the line."

"Stevie called you?" He questioned, sitting up in his seat. Suddenly he was wide awake.

"Actually, he was trying to call you. I'll put him on now."

"Stevie?" Mikey said softly.

"Sorry. I-I should have said something when you came to see me. I was just so scared." The boy said through the phone, his voice shaking.

"I know buddy."

"But I really am trying to do the right thing."

"Is little Brian with you?" Mikey asked, looking over at the detective.

"I'm sorry. He lied." The boy replied.

"Who did? Who lied?"

"My dad. He said that Noah's parents didn't want him, and that's why he was gonna be my new brother, but I knew it was a lie. I- I tried to say something."

"I know you did. Where's your dad right now?"

"I'm not sure. We left while he was asleep. I was trying to take Noah home but I just got so turned around." The boy was clearly in distress. Mikey had already begun the journey towards where the boy was, honestly not even knowing which direction the detective should be driving.

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