Chapter Fourteen- Ghosts

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If there is one hard thing you learn in this job, it's that one way or the other, this day or the next eventually everything dies. For most people, the only thing worse than losing someone you love is knowing that one day, you will.


"All units please report to 7653 Revenue Circle. We've got a Break in in progress. Woman is inside of the home."

Mikey radioed in, telling the others that he was en route to the destination. He turned his sirens off in order to not spook the intruders into running. He parked a few blocks down the road to creep up on the person that was desperately trying to make their way into someone else's home. He walked through the grass slowly, crouching behind the fences that surrounded each of the houses. He was nearing the house of the woman when his radio sounded, "They have made their way into the house."

He had to move quicker now. He sped up his walk and made his way up to the porch with his gun drawn. He slowly crept through the open back door, peaking around each corner. He stopped and quickly ducked when he saw a man tying up the owner of the house. His eyes scanned over the man, looking for any weapons. Mikey took a deep breath as he saw the man tightly gripping onto a pistol. It seemed off. As if the man knew the woman.

All of his suspicions were confirmed when the man started talking, Mikey listened in close. He had to play this smart or the woman could meet her untimely demise.

"You think that you can just break up with me?" The man muttered, scratching his head with the tip of the gun.

The woman spoke through broken sobs, "We were never dating Marcus, please just let me go."

"See, I can't do that.." The man spoke, turning his back towards the woman.

Now was Mikey's chance to step in. He stepped from around the corner with his pistol out in front of him.

"Drop your weapon." He shouted in a firm tone, "Sir, drop your weapon!"

The man looked up at him with a shocked expression, "You called the cops?" He quickly turned to the woman and lifted his gun, "You filthy fucking who-." He went to pull the trigger but before he could, Mikey pulled his first. The gunshot rang through the air and the man's body fell to the floor. Mikey ran over, placing his fingers on the guy's neck, there was still a pulse.

"G77-L30, requesting RA unit to 7653 Revenue Circle, suspect down and in need of medical assistance as soon as possible." Mikey radioed in, now standing to his feet to help the woman that was tied up.

He undid the ropes around her wrists, "You okay? I've got an ambulance on the way, they will look you over and if you need to go to the hospital they will take you."

"Thank you." The woman said shyly, looking down at the man.

"I'll need your statement after you're finished with them or I can have an officer meet you at the hospital." Mikey said with a half smile. He could tell the woman was still in a state of shock as her breathing still shook between each word she spoke.

"I can't right now." She said, shaking her head as her eyes trained down at the man on the ground.

"That's okay." He nodded, walking out of the house to meet the RA team.


After Mikey's shift that day, he made his way back home. With him now living in his best friend's apartment, he had his nightly duties. He started his dinner plans for the evening, deciding on some steak tips smothered in gravy and scalloped potatoes covered in cheese.

As he walked through the door, El had already made it home. He walked over to her and poked her in the sides, "Have you eaten yet?"

"Yeah, I ate when I came in." El replied, slapping his hands away from her.

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