Chapter Seven- Full Moon

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Deng Ming- Dao says, "The moon does not fight. It attacks no one. It does not worry. It does not try to crush others. It keeps to its course, but by its very nature, it gently influences." But what happens when the influence is too strong? What happens when the moon is full and its power is unmatched?

"All units we have a prowler, caller Nora Curtis claims a man was standing outside of her door. Address is 3942 Rosewood." The dispatcher spoke through the radio.

Mikey hated these calls, he hated the creeps that broke into places they didn't belong. He hated knowing the fear that was going through the other person's body as they witnessed a tragedy in their own home but he always showed up to help out, to calm the victim in the best ways he knew how. "G-77-0130 , show me en route."
Mikey drove to the victim's residence, meeting with Sergeant Grant and two members of the 1-1-8, Hen and Chimney.

"They called you for a prowler?" Athena asked Hen as the woman gathered her supplies from the truck.

"Homeowner has a heart condition." She answered, throwing her bag over her shoulder.

Michael glanced around at their supplies and chuckled, "Well you two are travelling a little light, huh?"

"Yeah, full moon. Only way to survive is to divide and conquer." Chim responded with a cheeky grin.

Mikey shook his head and chuckled, "I believe it's your enemy you're supposed to divide, not yourself.

Athena cut into the conversation as the group arrived at the door, "Alright, I am gonna go check around back."

Chim nudged Mikey's shoulder, "Is that what that means?"

Mikey shook his head and moved closer to the front door. Hen took a step inside, calling out to the homeowner, "Paramedics."

The woman spoke into her phone, "Paramedics are here. Thank you, Abby."

From what Mikey could tell, Abby was a great dispatcher. On many of the calls he had been assigned to, she was almost always still on call with the victim, keeping them calm until help had arrived. He knew El had a bit of a stitch with her but he could tell that she was kind and thoughtful when it came to helping others.

The elderly woman, Nora, looked up at the two paramedics that immediately began their work on her. "While I was waiting for you, he just seemed to disappear."

"Everything's going to be okay." Mikey reassured her, "There's an officer outside searching the perimeter, if he is still here.. We will find him."

"Blood pressure's dropping." Chimney spoke, dropping his stethoscope into his bag.

The woman glanced around, her voice still shaking with fear, "Was I having a heart attack?" She queried, a bit worried about her heart condition.

Hen was quick to settle her, "No, no, no.. Seems more like a panic attack."
"You had a big scare, it's normal for a panic attack to occur given the circumstances Ms. Curtis." Mikey assured, his hands resting on his hips as he waited for Athena to come update him.

"He gave me such a fright, standing out there, just staring." The woman was clearly still shaken up but nobody blamed her.

Chimney and Hen had her do some breathing exercises as Mikey walked around the room, taking a glance around at the surroundings. His eye soon caught the sliding glass door and the reflection of Chimney standing behind him. His heart dropped in his chest, a reflection. Which could mean the man wasn't outside but right behind Ms. Curtis.

"Ma'am, is this where you were standing when you saw the man outside?" Mikey questioned, his eyes still trained on the reflection.

Nora nodded, "Yes, about there."

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