Chapter Nineteen- Is This The End? Part Three

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Pain. It was all that Mikey could feel as he lay there and watched 'Jason' drag Maddie through the gates, he, himself, bleeding out onto the hard cement beneath him. He had to fight to stay alive. He fought for every breath he had left in him, hoping that someone would find him and eventually find Maddie. The sounds of him gurgling and choking on his own blood echoed through the courtyard and as if his prayers were answered, he heard a car pull up just outside. He couldn't look to see who had just walked through the gates but the voice was familiar enough for him to recognize the man as Buck. He immediately ran over and dialled 911.

"I'm at 1832 Bryson Avenue. I have an adult male with multiple stab wounds to his torso. Need medical and police response."

"Okay sir, can I get your name?" The dispatcher said.

"Evan Buckley. I'm a firefighter with the 118."


"Yeah, the victim is Officer Michael Andrews. He's got profuse bleeding to his abdomen. Breathing is laboured. Might've hit a lung." Buck said, panic ensued in his voice. "Come on Mikey, hang in there."

"Buck, RA units are two minutes out. Do you know how this happened? How long has he been down?"

"I don't know. I just got home and I found him. Given the amount of blood, I'd say minutes not hours."

"How's his pulse?"

"Weak but it's there."

"Jason..." Mikey muttered.

"H-hold on... he's.. he's talking. Mikey, it's me.. It's Buck. I'm here, okay?"

"Jason took her..." He tried to speak again through his shaky breaths.

"Mikey, who is Jason?" Buck questioned.

"Maddie.." Mikey spat out, coughing through the blood filling his lungs.

"Where is Maddie? Mikey, where is Maddie?! Mikey?! Where is Mikey?! Wh-Where is Maddie?!" Buck panicked, looking around at the complex as he held pressure.

Another car pulled into the driveway, Buck glanced up to see El making her way in.

She quickly ran over, realising that Mikey was hurt. "Mikey!" She yelled and ran to his side, "Mikey, can you hear me?" She asked him, a groan escaping his lips.

"Hey, hey, hey. Just breathe, Just breathe...Mikey..." She spoke, tears beginning to brim at her eyes as they trailed down to see the pool of blood around her, tarnishing the purity of his shoes and tie. 

At that moment, Mikey could've sworn he saw his sister's face. A sister he had lost many years ago to a tragic drive by where she had lost her life to a gunshot wound.

"Lexie.." Mikey whispered, reaching his hand to touch her face, his blood smearing across her cheek.

"It's me Mikey, it's Ellie..." She whispered back to him, cradling his head in her lap.

"Jason..." He muttered, "Maddie..."

"M-Maddie...Mikey where is Maddie?" Buck was almost yelling , repeating himself over and over again in an attempt to get an answer.

"He.. took.. her.." Mikey spat out through laboured breaths. His voice was incoherent but maybe he or El had heard.

As soon as the first responders arrived Buck went darting off screaming for his sister.


"Ma'am are you coming with us?" One of the paramedics called, causing El to move her hands from Buck's cheeks and turn her head to face them. 

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