Chapter Seventeen- Is This The End? Part One

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After week's long of struggle with his feelings and his wallet finally being returned to him by Jason, who had seemingly stumbled across it, a friendship was struck pretty quickly. Jason had invited Mikey out for drinks to chat and hang out. Of course, Mikey agreed. Work was long and tiring and he hated being crammed in a house when he was finally off.

The two met up in the bar as usual near the pool table. Mikey was pretty good at the game and won nearly every time. He didn't know why Jason insisted on rematches after his countless defeats.


"I don't know, I mean, we like the same things, we laugh at the same jokes. Even better she laughs at all of mine and I'm a weirdo— I'm not even that funny." Mikey said, walking around the pool table to line up his shot.

"You don't think that she's seeing anybody else, do you?" Jason asked, leaning against his pool stick.

"No. I'm telling you, man. Her ex really messed her up. I'm not saying he ruined her for anybody else, but..."

"Come on man, no hook-ups? No foreplay, nothing?" Jason smirked, furrowing his brow at Mikey.

"No. Right now we're all awkward hugs and funny glances." Mikey sighed, leaning against the tables.

"A screwball comedy without the screw." Jason cocked his head to the side, "Corner pocket." He said, lining up a shot.

"Oh, too bad." Mikey says as Jason misses the pocket.

"So, maybe it's time you moved on to greener pastures. Take the hint." Jason shrugged.

"Well, that's the thing about me. I'm bad with hints. I even suck at Pictionary." Mikey took another shot and shrugged, looking up at Jason with a smile.

"Yeah. You know you've been singing the same sad song about this woman ever since we started coming here? I'm starting to think I should have mailed that wallet back to you after I found it, instead of returning it in person and striking up this misguided friendship."

"Well, honestly, the only reason I keep coming here with you is, I know there was a $20 bill in that wallet when I lost it, and I'm just trying to win it back." Mikey chuckled, leaning over the table. His pool stick lined up perfectly, he took his shot, hitting the ball into the pocket. "Oooh , gotta step it up bud." He said to Jason with a smirk.

"You know I suck at this game."


The Next Morning rolled around and Mikey was back to it at work. As his shift had only just started, he got a call from Maddie insisting that she had a bad feeling about a call she had received earlier in the day. Of course he told her that he'd look into it and get back to her about it.

He made his way to the address that the call had been received from and knocked on the door, when the door was opened he greeted the man with a smile only to see the man's clear irritation that he had shown up.

"Oh, you gotta be kidding me." The man rolled his eyes at Mikey's appearance.

"Mr. Eric Parnell?" Mikey asked, his hands on his waist.

"That's right."

"I'm Officer Andrews for the LAPD. I'm here to follow up on a 911 call made from this address. May I come in?"

"Sure. Of course. Please." The man said, allowing for Mikey to step inside of his home.

"Can't believe they really sent someone out for this. I explained to the 911 operator that my son..."

"Sir, where is your son? I'd like to speak with him if I could." Mikey interjected, looking around the living area.

"Sure. Just a minute."

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