Chapter Nine- Calendar Men

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Mikey's off days were scarce, most days he put in to work overtime just to keep from being so lonely or consumed by his own thoughts. He had strangely maxed out on his hours so he wasn't able to work the shift he had wanted to. 

Instead, Mikey made his way to his best friend's workplace to torment her in between each call she'd receive during the day.

He did his normal thing and parked behind the station so that he could sneak in unannounced and try to blend in until someone noticed him there. As he entered he walked up the stairs and into the kitchen area, glancing around at all the free treats that were given to the firefighters.

"Oh cupcakes..." He said, grabbing one of the frosted covered sweets and devouring it in one single bite. He grabbed a few more and ran down the stairs to await his friends.

Soon enough the firefighters started to pile in one by one including Hen and El. Mikey made his way over to them with the chocolate cupcakes in his hands and his mouth full, "How come you never told me you get free sweets, guys?"

El smiled, "I couldn't have you come bother me at work."

"Now you know that really hurts my feelings, is that what you think of me? If so, you are completely— right.. I would." He chuckled and ate the last cupcake in his hands.

"Mikey, I swear one of these days you are going to go into a diabetic coma." Hen rolled her eyes.

Their gazes shifted when a very cheerful Bobby made his way into the station, greeting the others with compliments and smiling.. He was oddly.. happy.

"You are cheery." Hen said, taking the words straight from Mikey's thoughts.

"Why shouldn't I be?" Bobby asked, walking over to the three.

"I don't know, maybe because you've been like this for weeks and it's starting to get on my nerves. What's going on with you?" El joked, rolling her eyes playfully.

"Guys guys guys, don't judge the old man." He wrapped his arm around Bobby's shoulder, gaining a side eye from the older man. "I happen to like this new and improved Bobby."

Bobby moved Mikey's arm from around his shoulder and smiled, "Thank you."

"I got another DXA scan and guess who jumped another half percent." Buck said, deciding to join the group in conversation, holding his phone up.

"What?" Hen said, confused at the nonsense Buck was speaking.

"A DXA scan, it measures your body fat. You can see your percentage in every part of your body." Buck explained, "Come on Mikey, you know what I mean, don't you buddy?"

Mikey nodded, "Yeah sure man." He glanced over at El violently shaking his head.

"Oh yeah, does it measure the fat in your head?" Chim said, also making his way into the conversation.

Buck scoffed, "Ahhh, see now that would be funny but we're about a week away from submissions being due for the Hot Days, Smouldering Nights Men of the LAFD wall calendar and I'm already at my goal weight so it seems like my head is clearly working perfectly."

Hen rolled her eyes and glared at Buck, "Do you really have to use that whole title? You could just say the idiotic, reductive, sexist calendar that insults the dignity of this organisation and furthers the myth that all firefighters are male."

"Yeah, that's not any less words." He rebutted, shaking his head.

"Hen, come on, it's for charity. The LAPD is doing one too, I'm sure our friend Mikey here will be submitting." Bobby butt in with a smile.

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