Chapter Twenty-Five: All Hallow's Eve

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With the lawsuit against the 118 finally coming to a conclusion and Buck being given his job back, things were still feeling out of order. Things with Maddie and Mikey were at a good place, although it felt as if Maddie had been hiding something from him. It raised a lot of questions that were inevitably dodged and Mikey had given up on pushing Maddie to open up, he knew she would when the time was right.

Halloween had finally rolled around, a time for candy and costumes and fun. Mikey's favourite time of the year, mainly for the sweets. In honour of holiday tradition, he had asked Maddie to watch a movie with him.


The couple walked hand in hand down the escalator towards the exit so they could head on over to Maddie's.

Maddie looked over at Mikey with a furrowed brow, "Why did I always think that she was his sister and that's why he was trying to kill her?"

"Because she is but you don't find that out until Halloween II. Truthfully, I've always thought that was a bit of a retcon." Mikey said, swinging their hands beside them.

"So what happens in the third movie?" Maddie asked curiously.

"Nothing that has anything to do with Michael Myers." He chuckled, shaking his head.

"Right." Maddie nodded, her attention being grabbed by the familiar voice of a woman.

"Maddie?" Tara spoke, walking over to them with her husband.

"Hey!" Maddie exclaimed, hugging her quickly.

"What are you doing here?" Tara asked, walking back to her husband.

"Um, we just caught a movie."

"Vincent, you remember Maddie." Tara asked, rubbing her hand on Vincent's chest with a smile.

"Good to see you again." Vincent replied, reaching out his hand to shake Maddie's in which she obliged.

"Hi." Maddie muttered back, some retention in her voice.

Mikey glanced around at the three. He felt a bit awkward and out of place surrounded by the newcomers and he hadn't yet been introduced. He smacked his lips together and waved at the pair, "Hi, I'm Michael but everyone calls me Mikey."

Maddie gasped and scrunched her face, "Sorry, Tara is my trainer at the gym."

"Oh, I didn't realize you were working with a trainer. Uh, that's a very nice place that you work at. It's very clean."

"Oh, are you a member?" Tara asked, tilting her head slightly.

"I'm an occasional visitor in the line of duty. I'm a cop. I've responded to a few calls or two at your place."

"Oh, that's so great! A nurse and a policeman. I mean it must be nice to have someone who totally gets your job."

Mikey curiously looked over at Maddie but didn't speak up. Everyone knew that Maddie was no longer a nurse.

"Yeah, um, actually we have to go because Mikey has an early shift. Tomorrow's Halloween, big day."

"Sure, yeah. See you at the gym."

"Nice meeting you." Vincent directed towards Mikey.

"Yep." He replied bluntly, looking over at Maddie as the couple walked away, "Okay, you wanna tell me what all that was about?"

"What?" Maddie asked, trying to play it off. It wasn't working, clearly.

"With your trainer, that I didn't even know you had, and why does she think you're a nurse?" Mikey questioned. Maddie wasn't one to keep secrets so whatever this was, Mikey knew that she had gotten herself into something that she couldn't talk about.

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