Chapter Forty-One: The Parents

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Mikey spoke politely after releasing El's hand to allow her to comfort Buck. "It's nice to finally meet you both after all these years"

"Hi" They spoke politely back to him.

"Hey," Buck said, approaching them.

"Evan" Margaret, his mother, spoke.

"You look good," Philip confirmed, smacking his arm gently.

"Ah, so do you" Buck gave an awkward smile.

"So who is this?" Margret asked, gesturing to El. El's heart dropped for a minute.

"Mom, dad, this is my girlfriend, El" Buck introduced her, his hand snaking round her waist in a comforting manner.

"Hi" El spoke softly, "It's lovely to meet you guys"

"She's also my best friend," Mikey spoke, "We used to be roommates," Mikey smiled.

"Isn't that lovely" Margret spoke, "This place is beautiful"

"Thank you, it's actually El's," Maddie spoke, "She let me live here during Covid and it just kinda stuck." Maddie gave El a sweet and thankful smile.

"El ended up buying a house up in West Hollywood." Buck smiled.

"Buck and Mikey tend to stay a lot" El chuckled.

"Buck. You're still letting people call you that" His mother said in a bitchy tone.

"He only gets called Evan when he's in trouble" Mikey chuckled.

"It's just a nickname mom" Buck confirmed.

"Oh, you guys don't like nicknames? But Maddie-" Mikey smirked.

"Is the name on my birth certificate" Maddie said sarcastically, "Anyway El's name is actually Eleanor" She rebutted.

"Would anyone like a drink?" El asked, trying to change the subject. "We have a lot of options"

"So, Micheal, do people call you Micheal?" Philip asked.

"I go by Mikey" He smiled softly, "But feel free to call me Micheal" He nodded and followed El over to the living room. 


Things went relatively smoothly for a little while, food was had and compliments were paid to the chef, aka Mikey with a little help from Buck. El opted to stay quiet for the most part, just being by Bucks side if he needed it while also supporting Mikey who had been internally freaking out the entire time.

El was sat beside Buck on the arm of the chair as talks continued. "I'm glad you guys had a nice drive" Maddie spoke.

"We saw a lot of the country" Philip confirmed.

"The first few days there was nothing but rain, then we got here, blue skies and sunshine" Margret continued.

"Yeah, we had a lot of rain earlier in the year, but, uh, lately it's been dry" Buck nodded, "El's rooftop almost flooded with house much it rained, Mikey and I had to fix it"

"I could have done it, but you boys wanted to feel manly" El laughed softly.

"Mhmm" Margret hummed.

"I-I can't believe you drove all the way across the country in an RV-that sounds exciting" Mikey tried to deflect onto a new conversation.

"Statistically speaking it seemed the safest way to travel right now." Philip stated.

"Yeah, We didn't wanna take any chances given Maddie's condition and it being a high-risk pregnancy" Margret nodded.

"Well, no, it's not really high-risk" El spoke, tilting her head confused.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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