Chapter Thirty-Four: Breaking News

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With the news of Maddie's pregnancy came a shocking twist, Mikey could very well not be the father of the child. This resulted in Mikey and Maddie having to have a very awkward and long conversation with the other possible father. Although Ellie had known about the pregnancy, nobody else was rod yet as Maddie wanted to make sure that Chimney heard it from them instead of anyone else.

Mikey trudged around the upstairs loft searching for his hoodie, "Babe? Where is my hoodie? I saw you wearing it, where'd you put it?"

"Did you check the bathroom?" Maddie called up to him from downstairs, "I think I put it in the bathroom."

Mikey hurried into the bathroom and spotted the hoodie in the corner, "Ah ha!" He picked it up and threw it over his head and rushed down the stairs to see Maddie wearing even more of his clothing. He took a deep breath and chuckled, "I'm going to have to invest in more clothes." He walked over to her and rested his hands on her belly and pressed a soft kiss to Maddie's lips.

"They are just so comfortable." Maddie said moving closer into Mikey's arms, her own arms snaking around his waist.

Mikey pressed a kiss to the top of Maddie's head, "We should head out, we have a very awkward conversation to have with Chimney."

Maddie hadn't gotten past the guilt that she felt for sleeping with Chimney when she was obviously still in love with Mikey, and the fact that she was now pregnant and had no clue who the father is only deepened that regret. She was thankful for how kind and considerate Mikey had been, he was understanding of her even when she couldn't quite understand herself. 

"Yeah, we should. He said that he was good to meet at his place. He sent me the address." Maddie said, scrolling through her phone.

"And he doesn't know what we are meeting him for?" Mikey asked, leaning against the kitchen counter.

"No.. I told him that you and I needed to talk with him. I think it's safe to say that he is worried."

Mikey nodded and pushed off of the counter, "Okay, well, let's go and get this over with."


Mikey and Maddie pulled up to Chimney's house with an awkwardness looming over them. Mikey knew that Chim was about to be hit with a truckload of confusion and shock with the news they were bringing but it was time. They couldn't wait any longer, they still needed to break the news to Buck, the one person Maddie truly wanted to tell. She knew Buck would make a good uncle, Mikey deep down agreed, but there was no better time than now for the news to drop publicly.

Mikey ran around to Maddie's side of the car and opened her door. He took her hand in his own as she stepped out carefully into the warm California air.

The couple made their way up to Chimney's front door and knocked, only waiting a couple minutes for the door to be slung open and greeted by Chim.

"Come on in." Chimney said with an awkward smile, assuming that he had genuine feelings for Maddie since the night of their date.

"Thank you." Both Maddie and Mikey said in sync, stepping into Chimney's home.

Chimney trudged over to the fridge, grabbing a beer for himself. "You want one, Mikey?" He asked, turning his head slightly to look back at Mikey.

Mikey shook his head, "Thank you but I'm trying to cut back."

"Suit yourself buddy." Chimney said, closing his fridge and popping the cap to the beer.

Mikey and Maddie stood nervously in the living room, the expressions on their face catching Chimney's eyes.

"You can sit down, you know?" Chimney offered, plopping down on his couch.

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