Chapter Four- Crash

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Mikey was finally on his off day of the week. He woke up that morning with a smile on his face. He did his normal daily routine; took a shower, cooked breakfast, brushed his teeth, and then worked out on his living room floor.

He was now lounging on his couch watching the most cliche show to ever exist, Grey's Anatomy. There was no denying that he was a fan although he would defend himself with the lame excuse of it being because he liked seeing what happens to people once they leave the scene of whatever incident led them to the hospital to begin with.

His attention was soon taken by the sound of his phone buzzing next to him. Captain.

"Hello, this is Andrews." He spoke sternly into the phone.

"Andrews, we need you down at the station. There's been a plane crash and we need all hands on deck."

Although Mikey was cursing to himself, he had to remain professional, "Yes Ma'am, I'll be right over." With that, he hung up the call and stood to his feet with a loud groan.


After getting dressed and making his way to the station, he was desk bound. Paperwork. Of course. He thought with a plane crashing into the ocean with hundreds of people aboard, he'd be doing something more... exciting. At Least Athena had a bit more fun than he had. She had come in with the teenaged girl that almost got her daughter killed. Sitting in a cell to be charged with possession. He knew better than to ask how that ended up occurring.

He flipped through pages upon pages, signing where he needed to and writing whatever summary he had to for each individual crime scene he'd worked until a couple came barging through the doors of the station.

"Where is my daughter? Where is she?" The woman called out, charging in Athena's direction.

Mikey quickly stood to his feet and took his place in front of the woman, his hands against her shoulders, "Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey." he muttered, trying to keep the enraged woman back and away from the other officer.

"Let go of me!" The woman shouted, pulling herself away from his grasp.

Her husband soon joined in, "You keep your hands off of my wife."

Mikey held his hands up in defeat, seeing as Athena had now stood to her feet and walked in front of her desk.

"You. Grant or whatever your name is. You did this? You put my girl behind bars?" The woman spat out.

Now it made sense why the couple had come in so hostile. The girl in the cell was their daughter.

Athena held up her hands in a cautious manner, "You need to calm down."

"Don't tell me to calm down. I get a call from my daughter's friend saying that you barge into our home and start blaming Leila for what happened to your daughter. The hell is the matter with you?" She retorted, stepping closer to Athena.

The husband took his chance to speak up once more, "What's she being charged with?"

Athena walked back around to her chair, "Possession of a controlled substance."

"I want her released. Now." The man demanded, following Athena.

Mikey couldn't hear what the two were discussing as the man leaned over her desk trying to intimidate her with whatever threats he could conjure up.

"Is this about revenge? You– you got it in your head that Leila is somehow to blame for your daughter trying to kill herself?" The woman shouted, standing in front of the other's desk.

Athena stood to her feet and glared at the woman in front of her, "Don't you talk about my daughter."

The man now sounded a bit defeated, "You should've come to us if you had any concerns."

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