Chapter Thirty-Six: The Abnormal Normal

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Buck and El ended up having a few days off together and in that time they made the final adjustments to the house, tuning the finer details and of course, making sure she had the perfect coffee station. They were sitting in the living room watching TV when all of a sudden there was a warning, the news having taken over their show. They both gave each other a confused look as they sat up properly.

Long story short, the whole country was going into lockdown due to a virus called covid-19. It was advised that everyone stayed inside their homes and if you had to work, you must wear masks. You should also not mix with those who are vulnerable, ill or pregnant. "I should call Mikey" El spoke.

"I should call Maddie.." Buck agreed.

The pair pulled out their phones and dialled their numbers. "Mikey, hey, did you see the news?" El asked.

"I was just about to phone you...what are we gonna do?" He panicked.

"What's Maddie saying to Buck?" She asked turning to look over at Buck who was pacing back and forth.

"Maddie!" Mikey called, "Group call?"

"Good idea" She nodded and hung up, heading over to Buck. "Put it on facetime," She spoke.

Buck did that as he sat down on the couch, El joining him. "So what are we gonna do?" Buck asked Maddie and Mikey.

"Well I'm still going to be out in the field, so are you two, I don't wanna risk anything..." Mikey spoke, putting his arm around Maddie.

"MIkey, you could live here for a while, until this thing blows over. Maddie can live in my apartment maybe?" El offered.

"That could work," Buck nodded. "What do you guys think?"

"I think that's the best idea we're gonna get" Maddie gave a little smile, not really wanting to be separated from Mikey during this time.

"Well, it looks like we're roomies again," Mikey laughed.

"I told you I couldn't get rid of him," El laughed, turning to Buck.

"Hey" Mikey laughed.

Months had gone by now and Maddie was almost ready to pop. With the world being shut down by Covid-19, Mikey did what he thought was best and moved back in with El to keep Maddie and his unborn child safe.

Covid ended up going on for a lot longer than anticipated, not that it really changed El or Bucks lives. They still went to work as per usual except they all had to wear masks to avoid contracting covid. MIkey was still living with El despite most of the restrictions being lifted after 6 months.

Mikey and Maddie kept in contact through video call, it seemed nowadays to be the new normal.

"You know what I miss? I miss caffeine. I mean, we're sleeping great. The morning sickness is gone. We're in the sweet spot but I really need my cup of joe in the morning" Maddie spoke on the other end of the facetime call.

"You know that's no longer part of your complete breakfast." Mikey rebutted.

"Peppermint tea. Delicious" Albert came into view on the camera.

"You are not drinking peppermint tea. That is coffee. I can smell it, now give it." Maddie sassed.

"Don't do it Albert. Don't you do it" Mikey argued.

"I'll make you a coffee" Albert whispered and disappeared from the frame.

"Maddie.." Mikey tilted his head.

"The doctor said one cup a day" Maddie sassed back.

"Yeah, well, she's the doctor. Not the parent." Mikey insisted.

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