Chapter Thirty-Five: Surprise, Surprise

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Maddie was now about four months pregnant and her doctor appointments were coming up. Today was the day of her ultrasound just to check on how the baby was doing and check on the growth.

Mikey, Maddie, and Chimney all walked into the office nervous for what they would find out. Anything could go wrong. Anything could be wrong. They were smart individuals who have seen enough wrongs in life to know. Maybe this was what it felt like to be a parent, although neither of them were aware of it having not had the best parents themselves. This was all new to them, a learning experience they had to take day by day.

Maddie and Chimney took a seat in the waiting room while Mikey went to check in at the front desk.

"Hi, how are you doing today?" The nurse asked with a smile.

"I'm doing alright, nervous but alright. How about you today ma'am?" Mikey asked, taking the pen into his hand.

The nurse smiled wider, "I'm doing just fine. Sign this sheet right here and one of the nurses will come and call for you."

Mikey signed the sheet and joined Chimney and Maddie in the waiting area. He rested his hands in his lap and chewed on his bottom lip nervously.

Maddie could see his nerves start to settle in and rested a hand on top of his, "Everything is going to be okay. I'm sure the baby is fine. We've had no reason to believe otherwise and today is just an ultrasound."

Mikey looked up at her nodding, "Yeah, yeah.. You're right."

Chimney pat Mikey on the back, "It's all going to be okay, man. No matter what."

Mikey appreciated the way that things were going with Chimney being a part of the process. It wasn't easy but it was civil and mature.

Within a few minutes of waiting, the door to the back rooms opened and a nurse holding a clipboard held it open looking over the vast waiting area. "Buckley. Madeline Buckley?"

Maddie, Mikey, and Chim all stood to their feet and greeted the nurse.

"Right this way. Room 2." The nurse guided them to the room and closed the door behind them.

Mikey and Chim sat on opposite sides of Maddie. Chim was respectful, keeping his distance enough to show his respect for their relationship and show that he was there for them in friendship.

The doctor knocked on the door, capturing each of their attentions and walked right in, "Hello, I'm Doctor Marsh. This is a student of mine, is it alright if she watches the process?"

Maddie nodded, "Yes, yeah, of course."

The doctor walked over and looked at the three people with a hint of confusion, "Well, looks like today we have you scheduled for an ultrasound to check on the little one. Let's get that started, shall we?"

Maddie took a deep breath and nodded, holding Mikey's hand as the doctor prepped for the ultrasound.

The doctor grabbed the ultrasound gel, "This will be cold, okay?"

Maddie nodded and gave a smile, "Okay."

The doctor squirted some of the gel onto Maddie's stomach and brought the ultrasound wand to her skin. He moved it around and studied the screen the pictures were being displayed on.

He made a face that caught the attention of Maddie. She lifted her head slightly, "What is it? Is something wrong?"

Mikey squeezed her hand, leaning over the table to look at the screen.

The doctor shook his head, "No, nothing wrong but I am seeing two different babies here. Twins." He looked over at Maddie, turning the screen for her to see. He pointed at the two blurry images, clearly two babies showing up. "Here and here."

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