Chapter Thirteen- Dosed

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Mikey's off days were days spent in complete and utter boredom. He seldom found excitement when he wasn't busy doing something. He wasn't the type of guy to sit still or just watch the hours tick by in complete silence. In fact, he hated it.

Mikey spent the day rearranging the flat, three times. When he had eventually finished, it was back to the way it had started. All that work for nothing. He cleaned the apartment top to bottom, even cleaning the places that nobody would even lay eyes on.

He took his cat, Pebbles, on two different walks which made no sense.. Who walks their cat? He realised his boredom was becoming an issue and decided on the next possible option.. the 118.


Mikey was already at the firehouse by the time they got back from their job. El got out of the truck only to be welcomed with the loudest "ELLIE!" known to mankind.

"Jesus christ Mikey" El laughed as she looked up at the balcony to see him.

"Hey Mikey" Eddie waved up to him.

El went straight upstairs to meet her best friend "Why are you here..on your day off?" She laughed, giving him a gentle hug.

"I'm bored Ellie" He groaned, pouting after.

"It's currently a boring shitshow here right" She rolled her eyes, referring to Taylor, which of course she had already told him all about.

The rest of the team soon came up and said their hellos to Mikey, greeting him as if he was a part of the 118, which at this point, he basically was. "Oh, a load more things were dropped off so I organised them all into different sweet treat categories and by flavour" Mikey spoke, gesturing to the table.

"Oh so you really are bored" El chuckled as she walked over to the table with the rest of the team.

"I have taken Pebbles out for 2 walks already, reorganised the flat 3 different times, only to then put everything back the way it was and cleaned top to bottom" Mikey spoke.

"I would have let you live with me if I had known he was a little butler" Hen spoke as she came over, having just come back from dropping Charlie off at the hospital.

"Hennnn" Mikey smiled wide and pulled her in for a hug. "You can invite me round whenever"

"Not gonna happen cupcake" Hen teased, "Speaking of, look at all this" Hen spoke, referring to the table of goods.

"I recommend these brownies, they're really good" Mikey spoke and opened the plastic container filled with brownies. Everyone grabbed a brownie and took a bite, hums of delight in the air as they ate.


Chimney came back in after speaking with Taylor outside for another small segment which was taking place now. By the time Chimney came back, there were no brownies left considering everyone had at least had one. For the section everyone was teasing him about how good they were, including Mikey, who was replacing El. Taylor of course was beyond confused as to why this random man was in the firehouse however to her, it was just another story to delve in to.

Before Taylor got the chance to talk to Mikey, the bell rang with an unknown medical incident. "You coming?" El asked "You can ride in the truckkkk" She gave him a smile.

Mikey leaped with excitement, "Yes! Coming!" He said in a sing-song tone and ran over to the truck. "Let's gooo."

The team piled into the truck, Mikey taking the firepole down, making an over-excited "WEEEEE" sound as he slid down.

"Is he high?" Buck turned to El, rolling his eyes.

"No, that's just Mikey...he gets like it sometimes, think he has ADHD" El laughed a little with a shrug as she made her way into the truck. It was a slight squeeze but they all made it in.

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