Chapter Twenty-One: Be a Voice.

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All units were responding to a suicide attempt nearby a lottery ticket purchasing station, Mikey being one of those on the call. He showed up to see tons and tons of hundred dollar bills scattered across the street and sidewalks and various bystanders trying to collect the free cash.
He caught a glimpse of Athena and walked over, they got the civilians behind the line as they waited for the 118 to arrive on scene.

It didn't take long for the RA units to arrive on the scene and Mikey followed behind Athena to the new interim captain, Chimney. He had apparently been a nightmare since Bobby was demoted and suspended from duty. Mikey had heard all the gossip from El during their thirty minute "vent about work" sessions. That was a new thing they had come up with to keep from annoying the other person about their work day.

"Barry Johnson, 57. Seems to have had some sort of existential crisis after lunch. Threw all his money off the roof and then decided to jump after it. Falls 20 stories and lives." Athena caught them up, walking alongside the first responders.

"20 stories? How is that even possible?" Buck questioned, cocking his brow.

"We also got a few greedy bystanders with minor injuries. Not sure how you want to handle those." Mikey said, motioning towards the people that had gotten injured fighting over the raining bills.

"That's up to the Cap." Hen retorted as Chim pulled in to the scene.

"Interim Cap." Buck interjected, "This is just temporary until Bobby comes back."

"When is that-" Mikey started only to be cut off by Chimney.

"You keep telling yourself that, Buck." He looked over towards the patient and his eyes widened, "Woah, alright.. I'll take spinal precautions." He walked over to the patient forgetting for a moment that his job was to tell the others where to go in this situation, leaving them standing there, staring in his direction fr guidance. "Right, I'm the Captain. Hen, Eddie.. You're with him. Buck, go with – Triage the minor injuries. And I'll get the jaws."

Mikey walked over to the car the man had crashed into , just to keep an eye on the surrounding bystanders to make sure they stayed behind the line.

He sat back and watched as the first responders did their job and got the man out alive.

"Man won the lottery and it ruined his life? I'd kill for that much money, wouldn't you?" Mikey asked El.

El didn't respond to his question which only brought more questions to Mikey's mind. It seemed like everyone around him was off and dealing with something internalised.

He wandered off back to his car and sat in his driver's seat, staring down at his lap. Maybe he was the issue?


The next day's shift wasn't to start until later in the afternoon so Mikey did as he normally had during these extra hours before work and stopped for a coffee to bring to his girlfriend's workplace. Mikey walked into the dispatch centre with a wide smile on his face, ready to see Maddie, only she didn't look as though she was in the happiest mood as Josh left the room.

Mikey stopped by Sue's office and peaked his head inside , " Mind if I steal Maddie for a bit? Early break?" Mikey flashed an innocent grin as a way to beg the woman, he even used his prized puppy dog eyes at her.

She chuckled and nodded, "Yes, but you only get 30 minutes, I mean it Mikey."

Mikey saluted her, "Yes Ma'am."

As Mikey left the woman's office, he found Maddie who greeted him with a slight smile.

Mikey wrapped his arms around her shoulders, pulling her into a tight hug as he kissed the top of her head, "So... Tell me what's on your mind?"

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