Chapter Thirty-Two: Partners

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Things with Maddie had been good, as if everything was slowly falling into place. Slowly but surely they moved Maddie's things into the apartment, even though El stayed a night over during a spat with Buck. Mikey was still attending therapy and cutting back on his hours at work, well trying to at least. He had come a long way, something he never knew would or could happen. The ghosts of his past were left behind him, slowly one by one dissipating into only a distant memory.

It was a Thursday morning, one of his off days through the week. Mikey rolled over in his bed wrapping his arm around the sleeping woman in his bed. His eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the sunlight that shone through the curtains. He lifted up slowly, careful not to wake Maddie who was still making cute snores as she slept. He moved the blankets from his bare legs and stepped on to the cold floor beneath him, grabbing his boxers from next to his foot. He stood up and quickly got dressed into his underwear and basketball shorts before quietly making his way down the stairs into the kitchen.

He started rummaging through the cupboards, picking out a few items of food to throw on to the stove and whip up for a nice breakfast in bed for Maddie. He was the romantic type and he didn't want to let her slip away again, so his determination to show her affection and love was inclined. As he was readying the pots and pans on the eye he felt a pair of cold hands snake around his waist. He smiled at the touch and turned to see that Maddie had woken up.

"No, no, no..." He whined, throwing his head back in defeat, "I was trying to make you breakfast in bed."

Maddie giggled, "I'm sorry, my bad."

Mikey leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to her lips, "It's fine, I can still make you a decent breakfast before you head out to work in a few."

"Or.." Maddie started, trailing her fingertips down Mikey's toned chest and abdomen, "You could do something else for me." Her eyes lifted to Mikey's and a smirk grew on her face as her hand slipped past the waistband of Mikey's shorts and into his boxers. When her hand rubbed against the shaft of his dick, Mikey's breath hitched in his throat and his head tilted slightly back at the sensation. She moved her hand in slow strokes until his cock was fully erect and his hips were jerking forward with the movement. Maddie slowly lowered herself to her knees, tugging at the hem of Mikey's shorts to reveal what she had wanted from him. He can't breathe. It seems that the oxygen has been sucked out of the room. Still, he somehow manages to whimper as her soft lips wrap around him.

Mikey's hand fell to the top of Maddie's head and he groaned as the pleasure overtook him, "Fuck.." He mumbled, looking down at the sight beneath him. He took her loose locks of hair and balled it into the palm of his hand to keep it from falling in front of her face as he watched her bob her head back and forth, taking him inch by inch into the back of her throat. He's hot, pleasantly so, and she was getting him nice and hard. She focuses on that to distract her, moaning around his erection to try and get more noise out of him. He savored every lick, and light hum. He moved his hips, bringing his dick further into Maddie's mouth. All he felt was pure bliss, as he called out for his lover, begging for more. He needed it.

Maddie pulled away, licking her lips as she stood to her feet and backed away towards the kitchen island. Mikey followed her, immediately crashing their lips together in a heated and desperate kiss. He gripped onto Maddie's waist and lifted her body with ease to sit on top of the counter, not breaking the kiss for a second until he was swiftly removing each and every item of clothing from her body. He had her pinned against the counter, one of her legs pressed against his waist as he ran his hand up her thigh. Maddie exhaled, overwhelmed just by his touch. Mikey kissed her, his salty lips moving over her sweet ones. His hand slowly, agonisingly moving up her thigh towards her panties. God, she was already wet. Their tongues danced together, fighting for dominance as their bodies pressed against each other. Maddie could feel his hard-on against her crotch, and it was making her ruin her panties. Finally, Mikey found her underwear strap, hooking it with his finger and tugging it down as his other hand moved to grope her breast.

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