Chapter Fifteen: Karoake Nights

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What could easily be known as the most public and obscene event was taking place on a freeway in Los Angeles. All units were dispatched, which meant Mikey was on the spot taking the lead with Sergeant Grant. The two were shocked to see a woman in a robe standing on a road sign that hung on a bridge overpass. They did all they could to persuade the woman into to coming down from the high standing but she wouldn't budge.

"Hell no, I won't come down until Norman sees me and don't you try to force me down." The woman called from up above. She was clearly distraught by this Norman character.

"Nobody's gonna force you to do anything. We're just gonna talk. What's your name?" Sergeant Grant asked through the loud speaker.


"Lola, my name's Athena. This is my friend, Michael. What's the problem?" Athena said, shaking her head in disbelief of the entire situation.

"The problem? The problem is that after thirty years of marriage, I can't even get thirty seconds of attention from my husband! It's like I'm invisible but I'm not invisible! I am here dammit!" Lola screamed, expressing her anger and frustration at her husband by opening her robe to reveal her bare body. "See me Norman? See me now?!"

"Yeah, everyone is seeing her now." Mikey said, turning his head away from the sight.

"Oh for god's sake." Athena groaned, rolling her eyes.

"Definitely not invisible." Bobby cut in with a snicker.

"You got that right, Cap." Mikey chuckled, nudging Bobby with his elbow.

"Can somebody please find me this Norman before she does anything crazi- er?" Athena ordered the other officers, of course they all listened. Nobody wanted on Athena's bad side, especially when her day started off as hectic as this.

"I don't know what gets more crazy than that..." Mikey took a deep breath and crossed his arms over his chest. "So what's your plan Bob?"

"Don't call me that." Bobby said, glaring at Mikey. "First, we will get Buck into position to drop down and if she falls, we've got the emergency inflatable."

"Aye aye Captain." Mikey said, saluting the man until his phone rang in his front pocket. He looked down at the name and noticed it was Maddie. He quickly answered it, in case she was in some sort of emergency. "Hello, Maddie? Is everything okay?"

"Yes, yes I'm okay. We found Norman. He just made a 9-1-1 call to me and he is on the way but he is stuck in the traffic. I told him I'd send someone out to get him."

"Thanks Maddie, owe you one!" Mikey exclaimed through the phone.

"You're damn right." She said, ending the call.

Mikey walked over to one of the other officers and gave him the order to go and pick up Norman from down the highway. The man nodded and drove off on his police motorcycle. Mikey now went to inform Athena, "Maddie called. They found Norman, I've got an officer en route to his location to pick him up."

"Lola, good news! We found your man. He's on his way." Athena told the woman, hoping that was enough to bring her down from the overpass but it was to no avail.

"I won't come down until he sees me!"

"Ma'am , you're the most famous face in this city right now. There ain't exactly a way to miss you." Mikey replied into the loud speaker, looking up at the woman.

"I don't care."

Bobby carefully lifted his radio to his mouth, "Okay move Buck into position." He watched as the firefighters moved Buck over the position he needed to be in. "Okay Chim." He ordered, Chim knowing exactly what to do as he and a team of firefighters drug the inflatable under where the woman was standing as Buck lowered down to her.

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