Chapter Twenty-Six: Selfless

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Mikey had noticed a sudden shift in El's behaviour. Whatever it was that happened between her and Buck, or whatever happened to bring Daphne back into the picture was definitely out on display but El's feelings.. Well, they were hidden by a facade of bitchiness and sass. Buck had invited Mikey and Maddie over for dinner, to talk, eat, or drink as per usual. It had become common for them to spend the weekends together, especially the ones where all three had some extra free time.

"So, what's been going on with El?" Maddie asked, turning towards Mikey as she started to place the plates down at the table.

"Honestly, I'm not sure. I really wish I could help her, but she's not talking to me about it. I'm not sure she's talking to anyone but this Daphne woman." Mikey admitted, leaning against the counter.

"There's definitely something going on with her..." Buck trailed off, he knew exactly what was eating away at El but it wasn't his place to share that information with anything. He had learned that the hard way. "Eddie, too. Hey, you guys think it's the Santa Anas? I mean, they make people act weird, right?"

"I definitely don't think it's the wind." Maddie giggled, "Wait, you know what? Maybe it's something personal she doesn't feel like sharing."

Mikey threw his hands up and walked over to Maddie, "Well historically speaking, El and I tell each other everything." He smirked, booping her nose.

Maddie looked a bit confused, or worried perhaps, "Wait, everything? Did you tell her about me?"

"No. I mean I would have if I felt like she was listening." He shrugged.

"Oh.." Maddie trailed off.

"Maddie, you know she's my best friend. I need to talk to someone."

"I-I know.." She stuttered, chewing on her bottom lip. "It's just you tell her, she tells Buck. I mean, maybe everything doesn't need to be shared with the 118."

"I don't think you have to worry about that right now. Whatever is wrong with her. She definitely doesn't want Buck involved." Mikey said, glancing over at Buck.

"No way. If we didn't tell each other everything,  what else would we do on a 24 hour shift on overlapping cases?" Buck interjected.

"Yeah.. Okay..." Maddie started to speak, hesitant on what she was about to tell her brother.

"Hey, you don't have to." Mikey took a step forward.

"It's fine." Maddie looked over at Mikey before turning her attention back to Buck, "Uh, I am back in therapy. Uh, mandated by my boss this time."

"Uh, did.. Did something happen at work?" Buck asked, glancing between the two of them.

"A woman filed a complaint against me. She said I was stalking her. I think stalking is an overstatement."

Mikey nods, agreeing with Maddie that stalking was a bit much even if it was exactly as Maddie had been doing.

"But.... it's true?" Buck furrowed his brow, worried.

Mikey let out a sigh, "Okay, listen. This woman called 9-1-1, and Maddie thought she was in trouble, so she just tried to help her."

"Yeah, but she didn't want my help because she thinks I'm a crazy person who invaded her privacy. Maybe there's a lesson in there for the two of you." She cocked a brow and smirked at the two men.

Mikey lifted his index finger only to drop it quickly, "Yeah....Not gonna happen... So what do you think's going on with Eddie?" He turned to Buck, gaining a quick glance and smile from Maddie.

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