☆ Prolouge ☆

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"...understand your end of the deal?"

He nodded, fidgeting where he stood. His long wiry tail whipped behind him, the only thing giving away his nervousness.

"I'll say it one more time, so that it's clear" The superior leaned in close to his face, spitting out the words as if they were poison in their mouth.

"As a result of your recent insubordinance, you are being banished from the Nether. You will be sent to the overworld for three months."

They paused, reaching out and grabbing one of his horns. They jerked his head up and forced him to look into their eyes.

"If, within those three months, you fail to collect three mortal souls," they dropped his head, and made a neck slitting motion across their neck. "We collect your soul, and you can forget you ever were worth anything."

He looked down at his feet, choking on a small sob.

"It's an easy job Imp'. You're a capable demon, you just need to apply yourself. Stop swimming in petty fantasies." The superior paced in a slow circle, stopping with their back to him. "This the last chance you're useless ass is getting."

They snapped, and a wave of magic surrounded him.

"Three months."


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