☆ Chapter 18 ☆

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"...Fuzzy did it," Impulse repeated, knowing full well that he must sound crazy. He pressed his back further into the small couch, not taking his eyes off the moth. Could he even call it a moth at this point?

"Impulse, Fuzzy's just a moth though..." Scar said skeptically before trailing off, glancing between the thing on his shoulder and Jellie, who was still growling, hackles up and ears flat against her head.

"I'm not lying," Impulse's voice raised an octave higher than before. "It's not just a moth I- I... gods my head hurts, It was w-watching me..." he devolved into incoherent mumblings, shaking hands still holding Scar's sleeve in a death grip.

"Watching you?!" Scar echoed in sudden panic, twisting his head to stare at the moth in terror. "Oh- oh my goodness, I... B-Bdubs, go get Xisuma, go get X like I said to before."

"Oh- yes Scar, on it," Bdubs scurried around for a moment behind them, there was a rustle and then the slam of a door. Impulse wondered for a split second if everyone here's panic response was just to find Xisuma.

"Scar?" he whispered. The worried look in the vex's gaze revealed that he knew something that Impulse didn't. Scar pulled himself away from Impulse and up to his feet, a tremor in his hands.

"Okay, just, don't panic," he said in a crazed tone, and Impulse couldn't tell who it was directed at. "It's, it'll be fine I'll be right back Impulse just give me a moment,"

Scar quickly grabbed a still angry Jellie off the floor and plunked her into Impulse's lap before whirling around and racing into his kitchen area. He threw open his cabinets searching for something, and eventually came out with what looked like a small plastic container with a mesh top. He looked back to Fuzzy, who was still sat atop his shoulder grooming her antennae, with a death glare.  Scar positioned his container overtop her and in one swift move, trapped her inside.

Scar stalked back to his living area and dropped the container on his coffee table. Inside, an upset Fuzzy was flying into the walls rapidly, trying to get out. "Okay," Scar let out a sigh of relief, "She's trapped for now."

Impulse, however, was not relieved in the slightest. He pulled Jellie in closer to him, running a hand through her fur, and started rocking back and forth a little where he sat. He stared at the moth with eyes wide as saucers, and flicked his tail back and forth, feeling it thunk against the leg of the couch.

"Impulse, Impulse calm down its okay. It's gonna be fine," Scar let out a nervous laugh, and sat down on the couch next to Impulse. "You were right, that is most definitely not just a moth."

Impulse didn't take his eyes off of Fuzzy. "Then what is she?"

"Well," Scar's voice shook a little, "based on your description, and the magic coming off her, I'm at least 99 percent sure she's connected to a watcher."

Oh. Fuzzy was a watcher's eye, that made sense, Impulse concluded. Of course he felt like he was being stared at, it was a watcher. He nodded slowly in understanding, ruffling Jellie's fur with a fidgety hand.

"Wait," Impulse furrowed his face together in confusion, "Watchers aren't that dangerous or anything..." He had friends who were watchers, why was Scar showing such concern at even the mention of them?

Scar let out a shaky sigh, looking down at his lap. "In theory, they aren't. But we have to be careful with them... X, he's not super fond of them for... reasons." He reached over to give Jellie some scritches, mumbling under his breath. "Why would one of them want to watch you?"

Scar made a good point, what made Impulse interesting to a watcher? He wondered if maybe Fuzzy had been like, hired by the demons back in the nether to check up on his mission progress. Though, in fairness, Impulse assumed they'd be more discreet than a moth pet, and the likelihood that they would do something like this seemed pretty low.

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