☆ Chapter 9 ☆

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Etho wouldn't deny that he definitely was not a people person. Or that socializing was a skill that he properly lacked with most people.

And because if that, he hadn't really gotten to know their visitor, Impulse.

But Etho's lack of social confidence wasn't the only reason why he hadn't talked with Impulse yet. Something was off about him. From the way he held himself to the odd cadence he talked in, Etho could tell something was different about Impulse.

Maybe it wasn't a bad sort of different. But it was definitely a different.

Impulse had hesitated when asked his species on the first day, before saying he was a human. From conversations Etho had overheard, Impulse was constantly slinking away from personal questions, or answering them vaguely. He wouldn't tell anyone where he was from, who his family was, anything. The newcomer never talked about himself, let alone his past.

Etho did understand that, in a way. Some people have pasts that they don't want to talk about, ones full of trauma and strife. Etho knew a thing or two about past trauma. It can scar a person.

Hopefully, the reason behind Impulse's oddity was a simple explanation like that. But the anxiety in Etho's head made him worry. What if Impulse was purposely keeping secrets so that he could hurt them? What if Impulse was dangerous?

Etho grumbled to himself. By that logic, all of his suspicions of Impulse could also just be a byproduct of anxiety. All just his scared brain misinterpreting signals.

But there had to be something off! His mind couldn't just be playing tricks on him again, not because of his stupid anxiety.

"What are ya thinking about man?"

Etho jumped at the voice behind him, before quickly recognizing the thick German accent as Doc's.

"Just the get together tonight," Etho lied, turning to face the taller man.

"Oh, are you going to go?" Doc asked. Etho didn't go to the get togethers often, due to his general distaste for all of the noise and people. He did make his appearance every so often though. Beef had told him it was good for him to hang out with the others.

"I might." Etho shrugged. "I was planning to, but I'm not super sure... Do you think Impulse is gonna be there?"

He knew that it was likely that Impulse wouldn't be there, as he hadn't even been at the village for a week yet, but he figured he might ask anyways.

"I don't know," Doc paused for a moment, tapping his chin as he thought. "He might be, since Zisuma is hosting it and he has been staying with him."

Etho hummed in response, as he hadn't thought of that. Xisuma hosting it meant that it was almost a guarantee that Impulse would be there, of course he might not participate in the activities, but he'd be there.

"Were you thinking of talking to him finally? You don't have to yet you know." Doc tipped his head to the side with a reassuring look. Etho shrugged again and Doc continued. "Did you know he likes redstone? He said he just dabbles, but some of his ideas sounded pretty cool."

"Oh, nice." Etho sighed, but noted that fact. So Impulse had shared something about himself, opened up in some way. Maybe he wasn't the unnerving mystery man that Etho had made up in his head.

"You alright Etho?" Doc nudged him with an elbow.

"Yeah, just thinking," Etho explained after a second of silence. He fidgeted with the straps of his mask, looking away from Doc. "Impulse weirds me out," Etho found himself blurting out.

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