☆ Chapter 25 ☆

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"I am a demon."

The crowd let out a collective gasp, some hermits more surprised than others. The instant response to seeing Impulse's true form wasn't fear, or anger, or anything cold. The response was instead warm and welcoming. Each hermit had their own input to give, all at once.

Scar and Bdubs were, unsurprisingly, the first to react at all. Both cheered excitedly as soon as Impulse's glamour of sorts went down, with Bdubs even jumping from his seat.

Beside them, Mumbo let out a contemplative hum, before his eyes widened with realization, and he whisper-shouted "Yes! I was right!"

Both xB and Hypno grinned and started clapping, xB the quieter of the two.

Jevin leaned forward and slapped both hands on the table, exclaiming, "COOL!"

Keralis stared in Impulse's direction with awe and inspiration. "Good job, Impy, good for you," he muttered under his breath.

Next to Keralis, Beef and Etho kept looking between each other and the demon at the front of the room. "We were right, Etho!" Beef finally said, and Etho laughed, expression light and relieved.

"That's really awesome dude," Ren hummed, keeping it cool. He leaned forward on his elbows a little, smiling.

In contrast to Ren's nonchalance, False and Wels immediately jumped to their feet, each trying to step in front of the other with their hands at their sword hilts. "Wait, wait," Wels had stepped in front and turned his head back. "-wait," False repeated. "We're cool," Wels declared. "We're cool, it's fine," False agreed. The two sunk back into their chairs.

Doc wore an analytical expression for a moment or so. "Yep, the purring checks out now," he concluded.

Cub's expression was similar to Doc's, except with five times the energy. "I almost got it right!" he seemed to scold himself, hopping from his chair. "But this is so interesting...!"

From his spot, TFC gave a nod, and a smile full of incredible warmth, of silent acceptance and understanding.

"Nothing I didn't already know, but nice," Joe said, leaning back in his chair.

"Hold on, wait– how did you know already?!" Cleo asked incredulously, looking away from Impulse to stare down Joe. He didn't provide a clear answer, and the two started bickering back and forth.

"Oh, that's lovely hon," Stress cooed, ignoring the arguing hermits next to her. "I'm so glad you felt you could share!"

And lastly, at the end of the table, Zedaph was practically jumping up and down in delight, his eyes wide and sparkling like a kid in a candy store. "Oh my gods he's a demonnnn! Isn't it incredible, Tango?!" He leaned towards Tango, shaking him gently by the shoulders.

Everyone did something. Every hermit reacted in some wonderful, unique, positive way. They were all so appreciative and kind.

But Tango froze.

Zed kept babbling in his ear but all he could do was stare, body locking up and face paling. The others clapped, cheered, and congratulated, while Tango did nothing.

A dull pain filled his chest, growing worse by the heartbeat. Distantly, as if it wasn't in his own body, he could feel his hands start to shake. Bdubs rushed forward to wrap Impulse in a huge hug, and Xisuma joined quickly after him. Tango felt like he was going to throw up.

He couldn't take his eyes off Impulse, off the dark wings on his back and pointed horns on his head. It felt like his vision was tunneling, other hermits becoming nauseating blurs of movement in his peripheral, while Impulse sat dead center.

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