☆ Chapter 5 ☆

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"Scar! Hurry up!"

Bdubs voice echoed around him, giggling.

Scar blinked, turned away from the flower stand he'd been admiring, and ran to catch up with the others.

"At this rate we won't be back for another year ya slowpoke!" Cub nudged him with an elbow.

"Alright then! Let's finish picking up the supplies we need and head out," Scar sighed. The three of them were passing through a small town on their way back to Hermit Village.

Bdubs had been meeting up with a friend of his, and Cub and Scar had had a vex meet up in the same area. The events were over, but they did have a redstone shopping list from Doc and Tango that they'd agreed to help with.

As soon as they found all the stuff, they would be on their way. But the town was quite large, with a lot of different stores. Scar wasn't quite sure which ones they needed to check in.

"Hey, why don't we split up, and search in different stores?" Bdubs offered.

Cub nodded in agreement. "Sounds like a great idea Bdubs."

No, no this was not a good idea! Because if the three of them split up then they were all in danger. Then those horrible people were going to try and hurt Bdubs. They were going to find out he was a hybrid and they were all IN DANGER—

Scar nodded, and the three parted ways.

The first store that Scar went into was large and crowded. There were huge warehouse shelves, with different items piled on each one. Several signs and posters covered the walls, advertising items the shop sold, town events, and—

And anti-hybrid sentiments.

Scar shivered, turning his back to the signs that said 'Find a hybrid? Report to authorities and keep our town clean.'

His vex instincts told him to tear down the posters and rip them to shreds. But Scar was just shopping today, he had no ill intent or anything.

The clock high on the wall spun to a different time, the world distorted and placed Scar inside a different shop. This one was smaller, but had big windows looking out to the street, and a nice looking older woman at the counter.

Scar peered across the shelves, eyes lighting up when he finally found something that was on the list. He'd been in far too many shops already, and still found nothing. He hoped Cub and Bdubs were having better luck than him.

After scouring the rest of the store and finding nothing more, Scar bought what he did manage to get. He was striking up a casual conversation with the store clerk when he heard the commotion on the street outside.

"Quite the hubbub going on out there, hmm? I wonder what's going on."

Scar ignored the clerk's comment, turning to peer out the windows.

The townsfolk were darting around like ants out of a stomped in dirt mound. The only ones with any sense of direction were the town guards, all running down the cobbled street and shouting instructions and commands to one another.

The townsfolk were scared of something, shouting and screaming their concerns.

Scar rushed out of the shop and onto the street. As soon as he stepped out of the door, one of the villagers ran straight into him in their panic.

"Why are you just standing there?!" They exclaimed, jittering. "There's a hybrid loose! Run for your LIFE!!!"

Scar's breath caught in his throat, his heart sped up in his chest.

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