☆ Chapter 17 ☆

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TW: mentioned injury

"...Alright, you're all patched up now. Try not to mess with any of the wrappings, even if they itch. And remember, you're off missions for at least a month, two if it's not healing, no extrenuous activities, and absolutely no flying."

Skizz nodded slowly, shifting his wing around in its sling. Not flying for that long was going to be an absolute nightmare. "Got it."

"Do you have someone to help you with preening?" The doctor asked.

Impulse could help him— no, no he couldn't. He's been missing for nearly two months. Skizz could get someone else help him with the broken wing... he had to. "Yeah, I do," he murmured, feeling like it was a lie.

"Alright then," the doc scribbled something into a clipboard, "We'll see you in a few weeks for a progress check, have a nice day!"


The walk back from the Aether Clinic to his house was miserable at best. Skizz couldn't help but feel like the other angels were all staring and laughing behind his back, at him and above him and his stupid wing.

Of course he of all people had to break a wing on an overworld mission. Of course he had to be the one to make that amateur move. Of course.

He wasn't that well liked among the others, and this probably just sent his reputation into the gutter. Skizz pulled his wings closer to his back and picked up his pace, as if it would keep everyone from seeing.

When he reached his place, his hand hovered above the door knob for a second. Was he really about to just go back to sitting on his couch with a tub of ice cream, crying over Impulse again? Go back to checking for his friend's magic signature every five minutes, only to find that it was a faint as a dead man's, stuck in the overworld for no apparent reason? Go back to grief?

Yeah, yeah he was. He twisted the handle in—

"Skizzleman! Mate! Hello there!"

Skizz spun around, instantly recognizing the watcher's voice. Pearl stood behind him, starry cloak flowing behind her even though there wasn't a breeze. She adjusted her mask a little, which she'd modified to be crescent moon shape solely because she knew it wasn't allowed and would bother the other watchers.

"Yeesh, That must hurt," Pearl cringed and pointed to his broken wing, noticeably flinching her own moth wings behind her.

"It's not bad..." Skizz lied with a shrug and a wave of his hand. "What brings you to my humble abode?" He tried to emphasize the last word to be funny, but the underlying sadness that lived in his tone nowadays made the joke not really work.

"Ah yes, I have news. Very, very good news my friend!" Pearl smiled widely, wings fluttering behind her. "Can I come in?"

"Of course," Skizz led her inside, a burst of hope blooming in him. Not a moment after the door clicked shut, Pearl was talking.

"My moths found Impulse."

Skizz gasped, absolutely dumbstruck. For a second, he stood stock still, not sure what to think, what to do. The second passed and he let out a happy trill. "You found him..." he breathed out.

"You found him you found him you found him! Haha! Pearl oh my gosh I love ya!" Skizz practically threw himself at the watcher, pulling her into a tight hug and lifting her off the ground a little. "You found him..." he echoed.

"Oof, yeah!" Pearl laughed, hugging him back. "Now let go of me you big doof and I can show ya where he is."

Skizz's eyes widened and he put her down, "Oh please do!" Pearl nodded and walked over to his living room like she owned the place. Skizz followed. With a snap of her fingers, Pearl created a projection map of the overworld on top of Skizz's coffee table.

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