☆ Chapter 14 ☆

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TW: bugs— not like in a bad way, not at all, just proceed with caution if you have entomophobia or something.

Impulse couldn't sleep. This in of itself wouldn't have been a problem if it wasn't nearly three in the morning. He rolled over again, having been tossing and turning all night, simply unable to even close his eyes.

He hadn't even had coffee that day, or, well yesterday, he supposed.

But caffeine or no, his head was still swimming with thoughts and his stomach with nausea. An uncomfortable feeling sat there, twisting around in a mix of excitement and anxiety. Excitement because of Scar and Bdubs, anxiety because of everything else.

Impulse pressed his face into his pillow, grumbling. Today was the first secret club meeting, so if he didn't get any sleep now, he wouldn't be awake enough to have any fun. However, he supposed, he could just have some of Keralis' extra caffeinated coffee, which would solve that problem. But he did still want to sleep, he just wasn't sure if he even could at this point.

How was Impulse supposed to sleep at night when an inescapable death hung over him like a rumbling storm cloud? How was he supposed to get any shut eye when he knew that it was only a matter of time before the superiors hands were stained with his blood? How was he supposed to rest when the one thing he could do to save himself was the one thing he wasn't even trying to do?

Just kill someone already. A small voice in his head urged. That voice was clearly looking out for his well-being, Impulse realized and nearly laughed. All he had to do was collect those souls and he'd be fine.

But would he be fine? Three innocent people for the sake of one? That didn't seem like a fair trade at all.

Impulse pushed over his blankets and slipped off the edge of the bed, landing on the floor with a thunk and a groan. He lied there for a moment, not having meant to to that on purpose, before pulling himself up to a sitting position and running a hand through his hair. He sighed, maybe if he got up and reset himself he could get his mind of off literal manslaughter and go to sleep.

Grabbing the edge of the nightstand, Impulse stood and blinked a few times in the darkness, faint moonlight being the only thing lighting the room. He snatched the shadowy shape that was his water bottle and took a few swings before placing it back on the table. His throat felt tight as he swallowed.

Impulse began pacing in a small circle and he realized just how stuffy it felt inside. He'd rather be outside, in the cool summer breeze and gentle moonlight. Of course, it would be rather odd and even a bit creepy for him to just, go on a walk at this time of night, but he wasn't sure what else he was meant to do. He couldn't sleep, and a walk sounded a whole lot better than sitting in the dark with nothing to keep him company except thoughts death.

He shrugged, anything other than staying in this tiny room was fine, if he was being honest. He quickly grabbed a hoodie from his bag and pulled it over his head, in case it was cold out.

Impulse opened the door slowly under shaky hands, doing his best to not let it squeak. The last thing he wanted to do was wake Xisuma, it would be less than ideal for both of them. He slipped out into the hallway and creeped towards the stairs carefully, like he was a school kid sneaking away from his parents to go to a party.

When Impulse passed Xisuma's door, it was open a crack, and he couldn't help but peek into the mayor's room. Xisuma was fast asleep, his helmet on his bedside table and he was using what looked like a ventilator for sleep, a clear mask on his face. Impulse internally winced, it must suck to have to use things like those just to be able to breathe properly.

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