☆ Chapter 26 ☆

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Mild TW for intrusive thoughts

Impulse kicked rocks along the path as he walked. He felt strangely exposed, going for a walk with his demon traits on full display; it was only a day after he'd revealed them to everyone after all. But Mumbo was walking with him, reassuring him that it was fine.

"Really, none of us mind at all," Mumbo hummed for what may have been the fifth time that day. "Honestly, it's not like I can be one to judge, just look at me!" As if to show off his inhumanity, Mumbo twirled the black parasol he was holding to keep him out of the sun.

"Fair point," Impulse gave in with a smile. "I guess we aren't that much different, you and I," he nudged Mumbo with an elbow as he spoke.

"And you don't need to feel bad about hiding it for so long either," the vampire added on. "You know, Xisuma, when he joined the village, before he was mayor obviously, he hid his species too. For way longer than you did as well. Or so I've heard at least."

Mumbo, Impulse had learned, was a bit of a rambler when he spoke. But Impulse was plenty content to just listen; even though he had a lot of thoughts, he didn't ever feel like he had all that much to say.

"I don't know though, I started living here after he was already mayor and everything," Mumbo continued. "I've been thinking, actually, about how some hybrids hide their traits. Like, I can sort of pass as human if I do it correctly, and people like X can because he already looks human enough except for his eyes, and you, or Scar and Cub can because you have spells. But so many hybrids can't, it had me wondering if hiding was a good thing or a bad one, you know?"

Not having expected that, Impulse's thoughts spun a little faster than before with the new question in mind. Was hiding a good thing? To answer honestly, Impulse would've said yes, because, before his banishment and everything, his cloaking spell had been helpful in places where he otherwise would've been hated upon for his demon traits. But, on the other hand, the spell had gotten him stuck.

"I don't know," he answered simply. "Maybe it's a little bit of both."

Mumbo nodded, fiddling with the end of his mustache as he thought. "I feel bad for hybrids who can't though. Ones who have noticeable traits but no way of hiding them, like Doc, or Tango."

"Yeah," Impulse shuddered to think of those who didn't have a cloak to hide behind, who had to face not being accepted and not being able to do anything about it. However at the same time, the whole thing was both a blessing and a curse. "But, it's still hard with a disguise too. Because you get all worked up with this human image that you've already presented to everyone, and it's- it's overwhelming."

He had gotten worked up with being 'human.' He had feared what the others would think since they only knew him as human. A lot of people don't like change.

Maybe it was a good thing that the hermits weren't 'a lot of people.'

"Oh, I didn't think of it that way," Mumbo managed to breathe out. "I guess us hybrids are just cursed either way, huh?" He was half serious, and half joking in his statement.

"Yep," Impulse laughed back. "Oooooh, I'm cuuursed~" he joked, raising his hands above his head and wiggling his clawed fingers, as if he were imitating a ghost. Mumbo snorted back a laugh, before doing his own impression, hunching over and making a snarling face. "I am too, rawr!"

Despite how serious Mumbo tried to make his roar sound, it just came out rather cute sounding. And a bit sad, like a wet cat.

Mumbo tried again, pulling a face that was meant to be mockingly creepy. Impulse, however, could not take him seriously in the slightest, and burst out laughing, tail flicking behind him in amusement. "We are little monsters!" he growled, fangs on display.

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