☆ Chapter 12 ☆

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"That's wicked cool!"

Impulse froze. His brain froze too, like an overloaded computer screen. That- that wasn't possible, was it? It was like hearing someone telling him a blatant lie, except Scar's voice sounded as far from a lie as you can get.

Impulse stuttered, not blinking as he stared at Scar. Scar with his wide, toothy grin and raised eyebrows.

"I mean, that's amoizing! I've always wanted to meet a demon, how cool is this?!" Scar laughed, spreading his arms wide to emphasize his words.

"Wh-What?" Impulse breathed out. Was Scar messing with him? Pulling his leg? Was he making this all up so that he could catch Impulse off guard? So that he could hurt him?

"I'm serious!" Scar nodded and shot a glance at Bdubs. "I've always thought demons were these crazy beings of great power— elusive and mythical! You mean to tell me I shouldn't think that's cool?"

"Ye— I mean- no? Ah.. but why?" Impulse stumbled over his words, confusion written across his face. "Why?"

"Well, I'm sure you know this, but demons and vex used to be great friends," Scar explained simply. "They worked together and played together as the conduits of chaos in the world. Of course that was long ago, but I was always told stories of them as a little vexling, ya know? So I've always wanted to meet a demon, and have fun together like how it used to be. And here, right in front of me is you, Impulse, a demon... It's like a dream come true."

A dream come true? Did he mean that?

"Yeah... yeah but demons aren't conduits for chaos anymore." Impulse argued coldly. He noticed Bdubs was listening carefully, engrossed in the story that the both of them were weaving. "They're— We're not all fun and games anymore like the vex are."

"Well we can change that, can't we?" Scar was sickeningly positive, and Impulse really wished he could just change things. Gods, he too longed for the distant past, to be free and happy like his ancestors had been.

"It wouldn't be that simple, Scar. Few demons actually want things back the way they used to be." Impulse frowned. Scar might be enthusiastic to try and patch things up between vex and demons, but it was only him and Impulse that actually wanted things to be better. In fact, if it really was just them, who's to say things weren't fine already, and they were just making a fuss over it?

Scar gave his own frown, but quickly became positive again. "Well, at least we can change ourselves though! A demon and vex duo, out to stop all the haters!"

Impulse stifled a laugh at that, and finally gave Scar a soft smile. Next to him, Bdubs was narrowing his eyes in concentration. "You two are way too vague," He grumbled. "I do not know what the heck you are talking about."

"Oh," Impulse laughed sheepishly. "I'll save you the history, but long story short- the demons and vex used to be friends, then the demons went all evil and mean, and now we aren't friends, and everyone is scared of demons."

Bdubs nodded. "Makes sense I guess."

"Whooo! Teaching Bdubs history lessons!" Scar exclaimed with a fist pump. Bdubs sighed in annoyance and rolled his eyes. "But seriously Impulse, not everyone's scared of demons, trust me."

"Bdubs was." Impulse said bluntly, and a silence fell over the other two.

"Because I was being a jerk." Bdubs said finally, looking away shamefully. "I got obsessed with finding out what you were and I was just shocked when I clicked the pieces together, ya know? But it shouldn't've even mattered, and I was a jerk for looking at you like I did. I didn't mean to."

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