Chapter 34

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Harry's POV

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"Fuck my life!" Grace shouted as she unlocked my front door and trudged in. I looked over at her as she slamed her folders down on the island and sat down on one of the stools, grabbing her hair in her hands.

When she texted me asking if she could come round to mine I wasn't expecting that she'd be in a bad mood. I should have probably guessed it when she used the word 'hellhole'

"What's up?" I asked rushing round and taking a seat next to her.

"My dick." She replied angrily and I had to bite my lip to keep myself from laughing at her annoyed state.

"Oh really. I didn't realise you had one." I tried to lighten the mood with some comedy but the scowel that she gave me indicated that maybe I should shut up.

"Come on," I layed my hand on her arched back as she put her head in her hands again, "what's wrong?"

When she didn't reply I nudged her head with my head and craned my neck so I could try and meet her eyes which, at the moment, were faced down and covered by her head of hair. Even though it wasn't ment to be, she found it funny and lifted her head up again.

"What are you doing Harry?" She asked with a small smile.

"I'm trying," I poked her nose with my finger, "to find out why you're in such a bad mood."

She scowled at me again but this time I think it was because I reminded her that she was in a bad mood.

"Come on, what's wrong?" I asked sympathetically. No reply. "What's tickled your whistle? What's splat your cat? What's blown your horn?"

"Okay Harry, shut up and I'll tell you what's up," she announced in frustration.

"Oh, I already know what's up," I smirked but Grace had a confused look on her face.

"What?" She queeried, crossing her eyebrows.

"Your dick." I teased, a smile spreading across my face and I stuck my tongue out at her.

She rolled her eyes at me and my childishness and stormed off to the lounge and sat down on the sofa in a humph.

"I'm joking, Grace, come on! Tell your Harry will you," I dragged myself into the lounge, plopping down next to her and wrapping my arm round her small shoulders.

She looked at me sadly before saying, "can school stop being a thing?"

I smiled at her sympathetically, "you know, I said the exact same thing when I was at school and now, when I've got no chance of going back, I realise that school was pretty alright."

Grace clapped at my effort of a mini speech and I bowed my head in thanks.

Letting out a huge sigh, Grace spoke again, "I guess so. I've only gotta survive one more day and then I'm free for Christmas thank Fucking god!"

"Exactly! Look at the positives, Grace, not the negatives and you will be a whole lot happier." I told her, getting up off my arse and not forgetting my manners, asking her, "so, would you like a drink? A snack? What can I get you?"

"Ummm.." I heard her mumble before the she appeared in the kitchen.

"What you got?" She asked me, making her way to the fridge anyway so there wasn't any point asking me really. "Can I?" She turned back around to face me, asking for my approval by pointing her finger at the fridge.

"Go for your life." I encouraged, glad to see that she was alright eating again.

She shot me a wide smile before rummaging through my rather large and freshly stocked up fridge.

"Mmm, strawberries." She pulled the packet out the fridge and grabbed a bowl from the cupboard. "Would you like any?" She offered.

"No thank you, I'm fine. I don't do health." I replied with a wink.

Grace tipped a few strawberries into the bowl and returned to the fridge again. This time she had her arm streched up resting on the top of it and the other hand resting on her hip which stuck out to the side in the pose she was pulling. She looked quite comical from where I was sitting and I decided to take a picture. Opening up the instagram app, I snapped a picture of her, chuckling to myself.

"Did you just take a picture of me?" Grace quizzed, taking a break from the fridge and turning round go me again.

"No," I promised, as I typed the caption 'fridge modelling' and uploaded the picture to my instagram. If she hadn't heard the camera sound go off then my face must have given it all away but I don't think she was too bothered.

I scrolled down my instagram while Grace decorated her bowl of strawberries with whatever sweet things she could find in my kitchen. It was quite entertaining to listen to her humming away and occasionally murmering, "beautiful," or "gold star for Grace," as she went along.

"Now that," she started, looking up at me, "is instagram worthy."

I smiled and stood up to come and look at her creation. I was impressed when I saw it - she had covered the strawberries in whipped cream and drizzled chocolate and sprinkles over that. Tasty.

To be annoying, I thought I'd try and get in the picture she was taking. I ducked my head down just as she took it and smiled widely, sticking up my thumb.

"Harry!" She groaned, "actually that's quite cute," she added once shed seen the picture and I saw her cheeks redden. "I mean, as in, the fans will think it's cute, because you're in it and I took the picture."

"Yeah," I put an end to her stuttering.

She looked embrrassed and awkwardly took her bowl of goodies and went and sat down at the island.

"So how was school today?" I asked, deciding to change the subject as I was feeling an awkward atmosphere between us.

When she glared at me with an eyebrow raised I remembered why she was in a bad mood and realised that it probably wasn't the best conversion opener. Nice one, Harry.

"Well," she said with an annoyed sigh, "one thing that did go well was that I got my resuts back from my French oral exam and I got an A*. So yeah." She shrugged, focussing back on her strawberries.

"A*? You got an A* in French?" Proud was an understatement as I found out the news. I wanted to squeeze her so tight and tell her that she was amazing.

"Yeah, don't look too suprised." She winked at me, cracking her flawless smile. "I may be from Essex but I do have some brains on me, you know." She tapped her head and inlet out a little giggle.

"No I didn't mean to sound suprised,  sorry, I mean, well done! Its fantastic and you should be proud of yourself but I just had no idea that people actually got good marks in French!"

She rolled her eyes at me, getting up to put her now empty  bowl into the dishwasher. " Cela prouve que je suis dix fois intelligent que vous, vous cheveux bouclés , la couleur de l'herbe aux yeux , trou de cul . Et merci pour les fraises par la manière , je vais tout nettoyer , ne vous inquiétez pas." She babbled on in a suprrisingly impressive French accent.

"I have absolutley no idea what you just said so I'm just going go agree, laugh along and hope it wasn't a question." I stated, laughing.

Grace just smirked at me, hands on hips and I couldn't help but think how absolutley beautifully stunning she looked. It felt like she had some sort of control over me, like she'd cast a spell and I would do whatever she pleased. I just didn't know if thi as s good thing or not.

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