Chapter 7

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Harry's POV

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"C-can I see?" I said hesitantly, nodding at her wrists. She looked away, nodding and I pulled up her sleeve slightly. Seeing it there in front of me broke my heart even more. I planted a kiss on her scarred wrists, beginning to cry into her arm. I couldn't help it. I couldn't believe the girl sitting beside me had harmed herself in such a way.

I needed to sort this out. I needed to help her. And I was willing.

"We're going, I need to sort this out. Come on." I pulled her up, ignoring her protests and walked out, putting on sunglasses to make sure no one saw my watery eyes. I stormed through the paps, clinging onto Grace's hand and pulling her with me, ignoring all the questions they asked. Why would I want them to know about my personal life anyway. They're all dicks.

I searched for the car, with a sniffing Grace trailing behind me. I could tell she was trying not to cry by the way she kept holding her face with her free hand. When we found the car, I turned to her and spoke.

"I'm going to help you get through this." I saw face soften and her pink lips curved upwards slightly, biting her lip. I bent down and kissed her cuts once more.

I decided to lighten the mood by picking her up across my arms and chucking her in the back of my Range Rover. Then, I ran round the back of the car and jumped in the other side. I saw paps running over to the car and slammed the door shut. She was laughing, something I like to see.

"And I'm gonna be there. All the time. Whenever you need me." I added, poking her dimple. She suddenly looked emotional.

"Thank you Harry," she whispered, "I really mean it." She engulfed me in a tight hug, which surprised me at first but I hugged back, rubbing her back.

"Don't worry," I spoke into her hair, "Do you want to talk about it." I pulled out of the hug and looked into her teary eyes. I hoped she would say yes, I wanted to know the whole story, start to finish, no matter how sad it was. She didn't look to sure so I added, "Do you want me to know about it. I think it would be easier." I knew it would be easier. She shook her head and I understood. I was a stranger.

We sat and spoke a little longer, finishing it with a hug and I suggested that we go back to my flat and order a take away since we'd left our food in the park.

The car journey was a comfy silence, the radio playing softly in the background. Every time Grace sniffed she earned a quick glance from me but after about half an hour she fell asleep against the window. She had her coat hood pulled up and her legs rested underneath her, her trainers in the footwell. She looked peaceful sleeping, and so tiny in the large seat of my car. She was very beautiful.

Just then my phone started buzzing. I fished it out my pocket and accepted the call.


"Harry! What was all of that about?! The plan was to stay at the park the whole day! Not leave at lunch!! What were you two thinking?!"

"Woah Samantha calm down! I've invited her back to my flat. We had to leave. Grace had some," I looked over at her peacefully sleeping, "problems."

"Well Grace's problems can't get in the way of this!" She screamed down the phone.

"No! You don't know what happened! You know nothing about her!" I shouted back defensively, angrily hanging up the phone and throwing it at the back seat.

"Harry?" Grace's voice was croaky from just waking up.

"Yeah." I replied, pulling at the ends of my hair. She looked at me confused. "Samantha's being a bitch." I took a deep breath. "She's angry at us leaving so early."

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