Chapter 6

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Grace's POV

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We walked on, through the crowd if photographers and fans, Harry stopping to take pictures with them. One girl tapped my back.

"Can I have a picture with you please?"

"Uhh, yeah, sure." I responded, surprised.

"Why do you sound surprised? I want to be the first person to get a picture with Harry's girlfriend."

"Oh! I'm not Harry's girlfriend." I assured her.

"You will be soon. You'll fall for each other soon enough." Her words shocked me and left me quiet. I smiled for the picture and felt Harry's hand wrap around my arm, tugging me through everyone.

"I'll be waiting!" The same girl shouted and I turned back and waved at her.

"What?" Harry asked, looking back and forth between me and the girl. I shook my head to answer him and he shrugged it off, dropping my arm from his grasp. We finally got through the gates and was in the park.

"Put these sunglasses on, you'll get noticed now, too." Harry instructed, handing me another pair of his sunglasses.

"Thanks." I smiled, noticing out of the corner of my eye a fan was filming us. "Where should we go first?" I asked Harry, looking over to the map that he was holding out in front of him.

"I think we should go there." Harry answered, pointing to the food hall. I laughed and he joined in.

"Yeah, that sounds like a great ride!" I said sarcastically. "Come on, I'm taking you on stealth." I said grabbing the end of his jumper and pulling him.

"Stop right there, I'm not going on that!" He said looking up at its height. "That is some scary shit."

I giggled. "It's not the worst one, come on! Please. It'll be over in 5 seconds!" I stuck out my bottom lip and pulled him further to the ride entrance.

"I must be crazy." He shook his head and let me pull him further.

"Yay!" I jumped up and linked my arm round his to make sure he wouldn't escape. "And better news, we have fast tracks so we'll get on quicker." I said pulling out the fast track tickets from my bag and displaying them in my hands. Harry groaned and followed me down the fast track isle. Soon enough we were sitting down in the ride seats.

"I hate you, Grace Kinsella." Harry said, turning to me and grabbing my hand.

I laughed, "I hate you too, Harry Styles."

The countdown started and Harry started panicking, yelling 'NOOO!' while I sat next to him laughing my head off. All of a sudden we all jerked forward and the ride started, zooming round in about 10 seconds.

"Not too bad, eh?" I asked Harry, bumping our hips as we walked off the ride.

"You said that wasn't the worst one?" Harry said, holding onto me to keep his feet on the ground.

"Only to get you to come on," I smiled sweetly and then skipped on, "come one, let's go see our photo!" I dragged him on again to the little hut where all the photos were being displayed. When we got there, there was a load of girls pointing at ours and asking to buy it. I chuckled and lead Harry towards it. We sneaked up behind the fans to look at the photo. I couldn't help but laugh. Harry looked terrified, his eyes wide and his mouth open, his feet lifted up and his hand gripping onto mine. His hair was blown back with the force of the ride, making his facial expressions even more noticeable. Me, on the other hand, looked like I was pissing myself with laughter. My hands were held tightly onto Harry's hand and the bar on the seat and I was looking over at Harry.

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