Chapter 40

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Harry's POV

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I awoke to the beautiful smell of bacon and eggs, on this fine boxing day morning. The sight of Grace still peacefully sleeping next to me put a smile on my face and I couldn't resist myself from sneaking a peck on her cheek. I looked at her for a while, not in a creepy way but I just took in and admired her beauty. Her long eyelashes fluttered along her slightly red tinted cheeks which matched her naturally pink, plump lips. Her perfectly smooth skin seemed to light up her face, even when she had her eyes closed. Stunning. Absolutely stunning she is.

After a while I got bored and wrapped my arms around her, about to try to wake her but I heard my phone vibrate. Eventually I found it laying on the floor, which I was slightly confused about, but never the less I wanted to check who had been texting.

My eyes almost rolled out of their sockets when I saw Samantha's name plastered across my phone screen. The fist but of the text read,

"Hello Harry, Grace,
Schedule for today is hectic - hope you're not busy... "

After reading that small part I locked my phone and threw it back down onto the floor, annoyed at even the mention of Samantha's name. Now in an annoyed mood I decided to actually wake Grace up because she always put me in a good mood. I shook her a little and to my annoyance she didn't even stir. I shook a little harder and she mumbled something I couldn't quite understand, attempting to push my hands off her - obviously failing. The only option I had left was to completely push her off of the bed and I did so, this time successfully waking Grace up.

"What the fuck Harry?" Grace sounded like she was about to burst into tears at this sudden awakening and so I took this opportunity to jump down next to her and hug her tightly.

"Sorry I was annoyed and bored." I took the excuse of charming her and it worked since she turned round to face me, not being able to hold back her smile.

"So you thought it would be fun to push me out of MY OWN BED while I was sleeping huh? Funny, Harry, so funny." She tried to act angry but I couldn't concentrate as I was quite literally take back by her beauty. She was completely bare faced with her hair loosely tied back, a few strands hanging almost perfectly round her face and get she was one of the most beautiful humans I'd ever layer my eyes on. Even with an 'angry face' she still looked good.

"Do I smell bacon?" I comically changed the subject, making her tilt her head back and laugh meaning that she now had her head resting on my shoulder.

"Come on then, let's go get some bacon." She sighs, standing up and pulling me up with her. "I'm pretty hungry anyway so I could do with some food."

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