Chapter 24

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"Harry," I was woken by someone shaking my shoulder.

I jumped awake, rubbing my eyes. "Yes, I'm here." My head was hurting so much I could hardly open my eyes.

"Harry we're at yours, I don't know if Grace is going back home or staying here." Paul was leaning through the middle seat from the front of my car.

I took a glance over at Grace sleeping and decided for her. "She's staying at mine, thank you."

Paul patted me on the shoulder, "it's alright mate, stay safe. Do you want me to help you in?"

"No I'll be fine thank you. I'll carry her in." I nodded towards Grace.

"Okay, let me just jump in my car an I'll watch you in." Paul turned off the engine and chucked me the keys (which I surprisingly managed to catch, even in my drunken state.)

I grabbed the shopping bags which were at my feet and clambered out of my car. I slammed the door shut with my foot, which I found really funny.

"I better not drop you, your mother would never trust me." I murmured to myself as I picked up Grace, one arm under her leg and the other under her shoulders. The bags aimlessly dangled on my arms as I started my trek up to my flat.

Not forgetting my manners, I swivelled round and modded to Paul in thanks. Now I have to open the front door.

I looped the key ring round my finger and quickly grabbed the key before it fell on the floor. "Yes Harry, you legend!" I commentated myself.

Now, being as drunk as I was would make this a hard task but having a sleeping girlfriend in your arms makes it nearly impossible. I was fumbling round but the key wouldn't go in. I must have been standing there for about five minuets and just as it felt like my arms were going to give way, the key turned and I fell in to my flat.

"Yes Harry you absolute legend!" I sounded like Niall which made me laugh. "I'm an Irish lass." I sung. "I mean I'm an Irish lad, I'm not a girl."

After my little performance, I laid Grace down on my bed.

"I should probably text her mum and let her know." I thought out loud.

Trying not to wake her, I slid Grace's phone out of her back pocket and I was relieved when I found out she didn't have password set on it. Messages was the first app to load and luckily it was in her mums contact already. I chuckled, reading through some of her previous texts.

Grace: 'Heyy muim I'm at an bar !'
Mum: 'Okay love, good to know you're safe, don't drink too much!'
Grace: 'Make me! LOOOOL!!!

I started to type out a text to her mum, trying to make it as normal as I could.

To: mum
Hello, it's Harry here. Don't worry Grace is safe at my house. She fell asleep in the car and looked too peaceful to wake up (translated: I didn't think you'd be very grateful if we'd turned up at your house late and slightly tipsy!) so I've kidnapped her for the night! Don't worry, I've given her my bed! Have a good sleep and see you in the morning, Harry :).


Now that was done, I stretched back, closing my eyes. I was just about to dose off when my phone beeped.

"Fucking hell." I whispered, reaching out and grabbing my phone. A little guilt rushed over me as I saw the message was from Paul reading:

'Didn't hear anything from you so I assumed you were fine, everything ok?'

I opened my phone to reply but to my curiosity, photos opened. I beamed at the screen when a picture of me and Grace asleep in the car was saved. Paul must have taken it before waking me up.

'Everything's great, thank you for the lift home. Sorry about the state we were in, I'm sure we'll regret it in the morning. Cheers for the photo, too!'

I typed and sent the message.

I placed my phone down again but after five minuets of failing to get back to sleep, I picked it up.


I opened the twitter app and my mentions exploded. Probably from mine and Grace's 'argument' and then scene in the pub. Fun.

I filtered my notifications to see only the people I followed. I saw Paul's name an curiously clicked on the tweet. Once more, I beamed at the screen.

'As you lot would say, #relationshpgoals.'

Paul had tweeted a picture of me carrying Grace back to the house. I meatily praised him and retweeted the tweet.


I decided to post a picture of me and Grace. Firsts posted the one of us both asleep in the car, captioning it, 'May or may not have been drunk. May of may not still be drunk.' It made sense in my head now but probably wouldn't in the morning.

I posted the other one too, where I was carrying Grace. This time I captioned it, 'Yes Paul, #relationshipgoals, that's what that lot call it.'

I decided that I should probably get so me sleep now as it was half four in the morning.

20 minuets later and I still couldn't get to sleep. All I could think about was Grace and the kiss. She said she liked it. Was that the alcohol speaking? As she said that I looked sexy. Alcohol? Or did she mean it.

I really don't know my feelings towards Grace. I didn't want to fancy her because she would never feel the same way, but that kiss felt special. It felt different. Whether Grace was acting or not, I don't know but for one thing, I need to watch out for her because he is a bloody good actress of all I've seen.

A wave of panic ran trough my body. Had she been acting the whole time? Had everything she said been a lie? Had I really been that love struck to believe her words and buy into her actions?

I looked over at her sleeping peacefully beside me and shook off all the thoughts. Suddenly she jumped in her sleep, making me jump too. Her hand shot over my stomach and gripped my shirt. I smirked and pulled her closer to me. She mumbled something in her sleep, making my eyebrows furrow.

"Harry." she mumbled again and my ears pricked up. I listened closer.

"Harry need go." I heard and she moved again.

"I liked that." Hold on, these words sounded familiar.

"Oh my gosh." I whispered, my hand excitedly playing with her hair. This was what she'd said after we'd kissed tonight - well, this morning.

I kissed her on the forehead and pulled her in so her head was resting on my chest.

"Night night Grace." I whispered and finally, I could sleep.

Yoooo here's another chapter.


Hope you all have a good one.

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