Chapter 42

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Harry's POV
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Life was great. Perfect, in fact. I stared at the bundle of brown hair in front of me and felt the warm touch of a hand on my hand as I walked down the - pap free - street.

"Come on Harry," I love the way she says my name, "you're walking too slowly!" with a jolt Grace, quite literally, pulled me back into reality and I hurried along to her pace. "What colour do you think I should get my nails done?" she asked me as we walked down the chilly streets of London.

"Whatever colour you want," I replied with a smile, not really knowing about nails and colours and shit.

"Well, I could get a natural colour, but if I did that then I'd have one sparkly nail too, or I could get them done after I've bought a dress and see what colour goes with my dress," she babbled on and I nodded along, pretending to know what she was talking about, "oh yeah that reminds me, do you have a suit? Or a shirt and a tie? Or something like that?"

"Yeah I should somewhere, why?" I asked, intrigued.

"The dress code is like, smart, suit and tie kind of thing," she replied, pulling my hand up and giving it a kiss.

"Oh I'll be fine! I've got this grey one, or a navy one, or a plain black one! What one do you think I should wear?!" I mocked her, and unlike that Amy girl, she caught on, whacking me on the arm.

"Oh shut up," she giggled and I wrapped my arms around her, trying to squeeze out the cuteness she had within her.


I was so thankful when we made our way up to the counter of the, probably 50th shop we'd been in. FINALLY, Grace had chosen herself a dress for tonight. She did look absolutely gorgeous in it though, so I forgave her for taking a life time to choose it.

The dress was a shiny navy colour, with sparkly diamonds sewn into the neck and around the waist. The fitted shape of it flattered her, already perfect, body and it stopped at about half/three quarters of the way down her thigh. In my opinion, Grace looked beautiful in all the dresses she'd tried on, but she liked this one the best so I agreed with her, and seeing the smile on her face made my day.

"Happy?" I asked her as we waited in the queue for the checkout. She nodded and rested her head on my chest and I rubbed her back.

As we reached the checkout, I pulled out my wallet to pay for her dress, something I'd consider as normal - buying a dress for your girlfriend, but Grace gave me an evil stare and paid with her own card before I could interfere.

"Not this time, Styles," she said with a smirk and I squeezed her sides to let her know.

Once we'd paid we turned around to a crowd full of fans and paparazzi waiting outside the shop for us. I heard Grace sigh next to me and I grabbed her hand and the bag, winking at the security guard that had turned up just when we needed him.

"Just smile and follow me, you'll be ok," I said in Grace's ear and gave her a kiss on the cheek before whispering, "three, two, one, go," and pushing the door open. The security guard immediately grabbed my arm and pulled me through the swarm of screaming fans and flashes. I squeezed Grace's hand even tighter and looked back at her, smiling to make sure she was doing alright. She smiled back at me and I felt reassured, especially when another security guard jumped on the back of the line, protecting Grave.

As I should, I posed for a few pictures with the fans, as did Grace which I was happy to see but when we broke free from the crowd I was more than happy. Some fans followed us still, along the high street but most of them had got their picture or their glimpse of us and we're satisfied.

"I'm going to get my nails done now if that's OK with you, Harry?" Grace said next to me.

I nodded but wasn't mad keen on the idea of waiting around for however long it takes to get your nails manicured in a salon full of teenage girls.

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