Chapter 25

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Grace's POV

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My eyes fluttered open and closed until I could finally make out what was in front of me.

"Harry?" I questioned, seeing the curly hair and wondering why he was with me.

Suddenly I sat up, realising I wasn't in my bed but immediately regretting it once a painful throb exploded inside of my head. I let out a groan and massaged my forehead with my hand, squinting my eyes as I did so.

"Morning. Or should I say afternoon." He let out a breath as a laugh, walking over to me. "Here have this, it'll help your head. I'm the same too." I sat up as he brought over a steaming hot cup of tea.

He looked so perfect. It had to be said. His natural curly hair was a sexy mop on top of his head and the white unbuttoned shirt he had on made him look even more tan than usual. His eyes seemed brighter, too and they still seemed to sparkle despite the way he felt.

"Thank you." I whispered, taking a sip. The warm liquid calmed me and I let out a long breath. I giggled to myself, trying to remember last night.

"What's funny?" Harry questioned, smiling himself.

"We were so drunk." I laughed, placing the coffee down on Harry's bedside table so I didn't spill it. I thought about our night of heavy drinking with a smile on my face. I hadn't been that shitfaced in a while and what a better person to do it with. I was dreading seeing any pictures that were taken of us because judging from past experiences, when I'm drunk, it's not a sight for poor eyes.
Harry laughed but I could tell he was worried about something. I tried to think of what it could be.

My cheeks reddening in embarrassment, I figured why he looked so nervous. "We kissed. I remember that too."

As soon as I'd said that he looked down, biting his lip. It looked like he was refraining from saying something and I felt my cheeks heat up again, wracking my brains for anything embarrassing I may have said.

"What?" I questioned him, intrigued by his sudden silence.

"You said you liked it." As he spoke, he looked up again, this time looking more hopeful.

I shrugged and sweetly smiled. "I probably did." I admitted, not wanting to lie.

"Probably?" He queried but a smile had already appeared on his face.

"Yeah," I paused and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Say it." He joked, poking me and teasing me.

"Alright, alright," I exclaimed as he began to tickle me. "I liked it, I liked it!" I couldn't help but laugh out loud and squirm from the tickles.

Harry became worryingly quiet and shy again and tried to play off his smile by playing with his lip. "You, um, you said it in your sleep again." He seemed pretty cocky now but my heart started besting fast with embarrassment.

"What do you mean?" I raised my eyebrow, trying to play it off but also wanting him to say it with his chest.

"Uh don't worry." He rubbed his hands on his jeans and his eyes darted around the room, as if he was looking for something to distract me with.
"L-look, here, look at these pictures. Paul took them last night." He seemed to want to change subject pretty quickly and I just went along with it, shaking my head.

He showed me two pictures, one of me and him asleep in the car and the other him carrying me inside.

"I can't remember any of this!" I exclaimed, finding the whole thing quite humorous.

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