Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Grace's POV

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"Hello everybody!" James waved and everyone cheered. "How is everyone doing tonight?" He shouted into the microphone and everyone screamed even louder than before. This was amazing. Truly amazing. This is my dream. This was everything I've ever wanted. And I was living it. I looked round the stadium at the thousands of people cheering, just taking it all in. If only it was me that had been nominated for an award. If only I was the reason we were sat here. It was sort of. Because I had auditioned to be Harry's girlfriend. Yay me.

It was weird sitting with a load of celebrities. I wanted to keep my cool but I couldn't help fangirling a little because Beyonce and Katy Perry walked past. Katy even had a little chat with our table because she knew the boys already. She seemed lovely and I really was grateful that I could meet her.

I pulled out my phone and opened up twitter. 

'omg' I tweeted. I liked to tweet my feelings. I couldn't help but notice how many more people had followed me even from when I checked at the start of the week.

The night seemed to get better and better. I was having the time of my life, getting to know the boys more and also Sophia who I don't really know very well. She was lovely though, Liam was lucky to have a girl like her. The boys were all so nice too, very down to earth and serious about their jobs. They were all hilarious, especially Louis and Niall. I think it would be interesting if us three would go out together. Liam seemed the most 'in-control' if that makes sense. He seemed to be the dad of the group, telling Louis off if he was being to enthusiastic or warning Niall to be more careful when he waved his crutches. He was very kind, him and Sophia were perfect together and I could tell, just the way Liam looked at Sophia that he loved her, very much. It was sweet and I kind of wished that I had a relationship like that. Well, I couldn't have one for a while, since I was stuck with Harry for eight months. It's not that I don't want to be with Harry, it's just a shame it's all pretend.

The boy who shone the most for me was Zayn. He was the quietest out of all the lads (although they were all very loud so it wasn't hard) and it was nice to talk to him, rather than shout which is what all the other boys do. Him and Perrie seemed great together, even though they were complete opposites. Perrie was much more outgoing and confident whereas Zayn liked to keep himself composed, much like me.

My phone buzzed in my hand, distracting me from what was going on onstage. I looked at the name and rolled my eyes.

8:29 - Samantha - Meet me backstage immediately!

I looked over at Harry who also had his eyes on his phone. He looked up and we made eye contact. He nudged his head towards backstage and I nodded.

"Sorry guys, we won't be two minutes." Harry excused himself as he stood up, me doing the same.

"Alright don't be too long, were nominated for an award after the break." Liam told us whilst the other boys nodded.

We scurried through the rows of tables until we reached the door to backstage.

"Where would she be?" I asked Harry.

"I don't know. In the dressing room?" Harry said and I nodded, following him. We both speed-walked, which was quite hard for me as I had heels on, and reached the dressing room.

"Do you know where Samantha Cook would be?" Harry asked one of security when we had searched the dressing room with no luck.

"No, sorry, never heard of the woman." He replied sympathetically.

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