Chapter 36

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Grace's POV

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Flirting with Harry just didn't feel right. It felt awful. I felt awful. I was using him and he didn't know. This stupid job has got me going crazy.

The worst part of it was that Harry seemed to be buying into it and playing along. I suppose it did make my job a lot easier but at the same time I felt twice as guilty.

"Let's go." Harry said confidently and we both started to jog.

"That all you got, Styles?" I teased, running ahead a little faster. I looked back to see the biggest grin on his face and he stuck his tongue out as he tried to run faster to catch up. As I had a headstart, it was difficult for him too and it made me laugh seeing him struggle.

"You can't catch me!" I sang in a playful tone, waving my hands above my head as I started to skip too.

I felt Harry's arms wrap around my waist and lift me up then place me down behind him. After he'd done that, I watched him sprint off into the distance, sticking his middle finger up at me as he did so.

My view looked pretty magical. Harry's black silhouette was easy to see infront of the pink cloudy backdrop of the sky.

"Wait there!" I yelled at Harry who had jogged to the top of a small hill, which made the view even cool. I took a picture of it for my instagram. "Ok you can go now." I lazily waved my hand at him in dismissal.

"What? Are you not coming too?" Harry replied and even from a distance I could see his bottom lip poking out. "Come on, I've got something to show you." He seemed exited so couldn't help my legs run me along and to the top of the hill Harry was stood on top of.

"Look! Look at how beautiful it is!" Harry pointed straight ahead into the distance. I followed his finger and looked out onto the most stunning landscape I'd ever seen.

In the distance was a huge lake surrounded by masses and masses of heather other bright flowers. The time of night gave the perfect lighting and the huge trees behind the lake reflected off of it, more black silhouettes to a pink backgrouond.

"Wow." I whispered, not looking up at Harry even though I could feel him stating at me.

"Did you never notice this?" He asked, taring his yes from me to study our beautiful view again.

"No," I replied after a while, completely distracted by what was infront of me. "I don't know how though, I must be blind."

I heard the snap of a camera and glanced up, still in a daze, to see Harry
taking a picture of the view.

"Get in it, you'll make the picture even more beautiful." Harry said, a soft, shy smile drawn on his face and, although I wasn't sure if it was the fact that he'd been running, but a red tint had been added to his cheeks. 

"Cheesy," I smiled in thanks, glancing back at the view with - not that I realised - a huge grin on my face. Harry gave me that smile.


"Merry Chrismas!" Milly shouted as she trumpled downstairs.

I yawned widely and streatched my arms up above my head having a big sigh as I knew that I wouldn't be getting anymore sleep.

"Hellooo! Did you hear me! I saaaaid, MERRY CHRISTMAS!" Milly shouted up the stairs and I heard my Dad groan.

Dad had arrived two days ago and since then he's seemed alright. It was a bit awkward when he first came but after the meal out at a posh restaurant everything seemed to be pretty much back to normal. It is really weird having him around, though as none of us are used to having a male in the house but I can't help but feel content, as though a hole in my heart has been finally filled. I never realised how much I did actually miss my Dad.

"Milly you're 14 you should not be this excited." I mumbled under my breath in annoyance as I tugged on one of my jumpers that was slung over one of the removal boxes. The sight of the boxes made my heart sink. Two weeks I had left, two weeks left living with my family.I shook my head, erasing the thought.

"Merry Christmas Mills!" I couldn't hide the smile that had formed on my face after hearing my Dad and I adored the way he still called Milly by her nickname, it felt as though we were so much closer. "Merry Christmas Grace!" He yelled as soon as i came into view at the top of the stairs.

"Merry Christmas, Dad." The words felt uncommon on my tongue but strangely comforting and I felt more as one. I leaped down the stairs and fell into my Dads open arms.

"Ah, my two favourite girls, back together again."He squeezed us both so tight like he didn't want to let go.

"And my favourite woman!" He announced which told Milly and I that Mum was now up.

Christmas morning was some of the best hours of my life. It really was like we were a perfect, happy family and I was so proud of my Dad for keeping it together.

My Dad really surprised me with what he got Milly, Mum and I. He bought me an amazing watch, just like one I was looking for, he bought Milly some diamond earrings and Mum a promise ring.

'I promise to keep this family together' he had said which was sweet.

At around one o'clock, just as Mum and I were preparing the Christmas dinner, I got a text from Harry.

From - Harry - 1:34

Merry Christmas Grace! Hope you and you and your family is well, send them all my love. I was wondering if you'd like to go for a Christmas stroll round the field? Family is invited too! Just give me a bell or a text x

I must have been smiling at my phone because my Mum noticed and came over, sneaking a look at my phone. "Oh that would be lovely! Reply quick Grace and we can go after dinner!"

Giggling at my Mothers sudden enthusiasm, I did just that, replying:

To - Harry - 1:46

Merry Christmas to you too!!! Everything here is going AMAZING I'm so happy and hope everything is going as well down your end. Mum seems thrilled by the idea and can't wait to meet your family, so I guess it's a yes! We're in the middle of cooking our Christmas dinner at the moment but will probably be ready around five o'clock? Is that good for you? X

After the message had send I put my phone down and carried on helping Mum in the kitchen.

"Sooo? What did he say?" Mum asked, bumping her small hip against mine.

"He hasn't replied yet," I chuckled at her excitement, "But i said we'd be ready around 5."

"Ooh I can't wait! His parents must be lovely to have raised a boy as polite and hansome as Harry."

"Stop, mother!" I rolled my eyes, walking out the room to join Dad and Milly.

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