Chapter 4

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Grace's POV

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I slammed the door shut and sighed. I would have thought Harry would at least try to be my friend. This was going to be harder than I thought. I chucked my keys onto the table and slouched down onto the sofa.

"What's up, honey?" My Mum questioned and sat down on the sofa next to me. How was I going to tell her that I was going to Thorpe Park with Harry Styles - someone I've only just met - tomorrow without telling her I'm being payed to date him? I couldn't say I was going with a friend because she would probably see the pictures. "How did your audition go today love? Did you find out what it was for?

Oh god I stupidly hadn't thought of a cover up, "Uh, just an extra for a new show. I can't give out too many details sorry!" My mum nodded, understanding the fact that some jobs were secret and weren't meant to be shared with the public until announced. "But that doesn't matter." I said quickly. "Guess who I met today though?" I queried with a chuckle, "bloody Harry Styles."
My Mothers eyes widened. "Yeah, he's really nice, I had my drink with him and um," I paused. "We've sort of arranged plans for tomorrow?" I questioned what I was saying myself more than asking for permission. In reality, my mum didn't really have a say as I was 19 now and moving out in a few weeks. What I got up to was my own business. Still, I studied my mums reaction.

"Are you sure, Grace?"

"Yes I think it'll be fun. You should be happy, I've got plans with someone other than Lillie or Archie." Lillie and Archie were my best friends at school - she always teased me saying that they were my only friends as they were the only two people I ever seemed to see outside of school.

She chuckled in agreement. "I won't mention it to Milly then," she referred to my sister who I had forgotten was a One Direction fan.
"Well it's good that you're getting back out there. I'm sick of hearing the Luke excuse." Ouch, that hurt. Even the mention of his name flipped my mood and I turned sour towards my mum. She knew how I feel about my ex boyfriend being mentioned and wasn't being very aware.

"I'll have one, if you're making, please." I yelled into the kitchen, wanting to change subjects as quickly as possible.

Lying to my own Mother was torture. My Mum and I were very close, especially about boys thanks to my previous relationship and it's many troubles. I hated lying to my Mum like this and I didn't know how I would get through eight months of it. I think once I moved out it would get easier. I had already found a house and I'm moving in just three weeks! Everything was just about packed, except from my clothes and things I need everyday but my room was starting to look less like my room. All the pictures on my walls had been taken down, my bed sheets were white, instead of my usual purple ones, my fairy lights had been packed away along with most of my make up and hair stuff. I was looking forward to living on my own, but I will miss my Mum, Dad and little sister but hopefully it would take some of the pressure off of my shoulders and give me some more freedom.

"So, this Harry, what's he like?" My Mum asked, walking into the living room holding two mugs of coffee. This is just what I didn't want to happen. I put on a fake smile.

"He's really sweet, actually." I lied as she handed me my mug. The Harry I had met seemed like a stuck up, troublesome, moody teenager. I thanked her quickly and carried on. "He saw me on my own during my break and came over to keep me company."
My Mum must have liked the sound of that because she smiled widely and nodded.
"I tried not to act too squeamish around him and that's probably why he kept talking to me." I said with a laugh, then carried on, "He's easy to talk to, too, which I didn't really expect to be honest. And he seemed interested in what I had to say." I took a sip from my coffee. "He's a proper gentleman, he bought me another coffee and biscuit." I finished. My Mother looked surprised at my speech.

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