Chapter 35

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"I feel like burning off some of this angry energy," Grace started, dragging herself up from next to me on my sofa, "do you fancy going on a run?"

I thought carefully before replying, "are you sure? I mean there will probably be paps and that..." I trailed off and Grace rolled her eyes at me.

"Oh excuses exscuses, Styles. Come on it'll be fun." She promised, flapping her arms around, as if that would incourage me further. "And if you're worried about anyone seeing us, I know this route round a field and in this woody place and all sorts and its all hidden away so...." She looked so hopeful and I couldn't say no to that face, "what do you think?" She grinned at me, waggling her eyebrows up and down in hope.

"Alright then, I'll go on a run with you." It only took these words to make her jump up in joy and hug me tightly. Of course, I hugged her back - but only after a few seconds, I didn't want to look too keen. "I have to say, though, I am pretty good at running," I boasted, kind of in a flirty way although I didn't mean it.

"Oh yeah, yeah whatever you say," Grace flirted back, poking my cheek as she spoke. "I was in the cross country team at school," she said sassily, crossing her arms and nodding her head as she spoke.

"I bet you were!" I laughed, not believeing a word of what she was saying.

"Well, until I got kicked off because I caught the bus round the route instead of running it.." she finished off, ashamed of herself but still cracking a smile.

"You're joking," my mouth hung open in shock but it soon turned into howles of laugher. Grace shook her head no in response. "You got the bus round the route, so you didn't have to run it?"

"Yeah," she was beaming so wide, "the route was like through the town and stuff so I just got a bus," she shrugged, sheepishly smiling, "and I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for-" Grace immediately stopped in the middle of her sentence and a troubled look took over her features.

"What?" I asked, genuinly concerned. I quickly glanced behind me to see if anything was there because she seemed to be looking in that direction, but nothing out of the ordinary was to be seen.

"Hm?" She asked, as if nothing had happened.

"You just randomly stopped in the middle of your sentence..?" As I told her this she let out a fake laugh, obviously covering something up.

"Did I? Sorry."

"Yes but you were saying..." I encouraged her to carry on.

She stopped to think but I could tell that she was putting off trying to speak. Call me nosy but I wanted to do four what was getting to her. It couldn't have been the memory because she was laughing about it literally two seconds before.

"You would have gotten away with it if it weren't for..."

"Uuhhmm.." she sighed nervously, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "If it weren't for Luke." She finished with a small smile as if to say she was alright however didn't want this conversation to carry on.

"Ah," I said catching on and deciding to end the conversation.

"Come on, lets get this run done. I can't wait to beat you," she winked, gliding over to her school bag and collecting her folders and keys. Her mood seemed to change dramatically, either that or she was an amazing actress.

"Alright, miss energetic. Shall I come round to yours when you're ready, yeah?" I offered, thinking it was the most logical way.

"Yeah sure, see you then!" She shouted, opening my front door.

"See you!" I cheered and walked over to the door to wave her goodbye.

"Be prepared," the last thing I saw was a huge smile plastered onto her face before she shut the door. I lent my back against it, not being able to wipe the same huge smile off my own face.

Grace was so easy to adore. She was so innocent yet at times she had a dirtier mind than me; and the jokes she makes, the ones that she thinks are funny but no one else gets; and the way that when she laughs, her eyes light up brighter than they already were and they twinkle; the way her hair fell down her back and rippled when she laughed, always looking so glossy and alive; the way she dressed - classy and trendy - and in no ways attention seeking or slutty but she still managed to get twice as many boys as the ones who did. God damn I was falling for her already.

Snapping out of my daydream, I jogged upstairs to get ready for this run. As I pulled on my running shorts, my mind wandered to what Grace would be wearing. Not going to lie, I would love for her to wear those really short, really tight shorts that professional runners wear with the bra tops but I doubt she'd be wearing anything like that. I reakon she'd look amazing in whatever she wore and to be honest, if she turned up in baggy sweat pants and a jumper I'd be happy.

Grace, I just realised, actually took up a lot of my thinking time. I wonder if she ever thinks about me. Grace was an everyday thought for me but I wonder if that was the same for her.

My phone buzzed and I smiled when Grace's name flashed onto the screen.

From - Grace - 6:37 - hurry up slow coach, I'm ready. How long are you gonna put this off, are you that scared? ;) x

Grabbing my jumper hanging on the banister, I jogged downstairs and out of the door.

My heart fluttered with nerves as I rang the doorbell to Grace's house. I don't really know why, I had never really felt nervous around her family except the first time I met them but that was understandable. Thankfully, Grace opened the door with a huge grin on her face and gave me a quick peck on the lips. She suprised me slightly, not going to lie, but once I saw her sister standing behind her, I figured why she'd gone straight in for a kiss.

"You ready, athlete?" I asked, jumping up and down on the spot and punching her arm lightly.

"Yes, come on tough boy," she rolled her eyes at me and pushed past, grabbing onto my hand and dragging me after her as she did. "By Milly, I'll be back soon," she shouted back as we reached my car.

I saw Milly nod with a small smile and i blew her a kiss, turning her smile into a grin. She mirrored my actions and slammed the door shut.

I looked around as I parked my car in the small carpark outside this field that Grace had suggested. It looked rather beautuful, especially at this time of night when the sky was a pinky kind of colour and the outline of the swaying trees could be seen. The carpark wasnt busy at all, with only two other cars parked opposite mine, and both cars were big off road ones which probably belonged to dog walkers.

"Come on then day dreamer, you ready?" Grace's voice brought me back to my senses and I looked to my left to see her staring at me admireingly. She had a cute little smile on her face, making a dimple show. So beautiful, I thought, shaking my head to stop these thoughts coming to me. I clambered out of the car and slammed the door shut behind me.

"Let's go."

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