Chapter 28

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Grace's POV

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"I am absolutely starving!" Milly huffed as we walked down the dark streets of London. We had all tried to ignore the paparazzi on the other side of the road however I was conscious about pictures of Milly being all over the Internet tomorrow. Harry had kindly kept her shielded next to him which I was very thankful of but I'm sure there would still be pictures of her.

"Let's go eat then?" I questioned obviously.

"You've already had enough." Milly joked, pointing at the bag of chocolate buttons I had in my hand.

"I asked if anyone wanted one.." I tried to cover up the guilt I was feeling.

The anxiety hit me again and I started to question if I was eating too much. I had had an unhealthy breakfast, no lunch and a load of sweets and chocolate. That couldn't be healthy. God, I hope we weren't going to a fast food restaurant for dinner; I wouldn't even be able to add up the calories if I had a burger. Why we're all these thoughts coming back to me now?

"Grace! Hello?" I was brought back down to earth by Harry waving his hand in front of my eyes.

"Yeah..huh?" I looked around and saw that we were stood outside of a sushi place.

"Is here OK for dinner? Milly seemed pretty keen on it." Harry, being his polite self, asked me kindly.

"Oh yes, of course." I replied. This was great. Perfect. I had never really liked sushi, or fish for that matter, and Milly knew that, so I had an excuse this time.

As we all stumbled into the shop the warm air surrounded me and I felt my body relax slightly. I let out a breath and followed my boyfriend and my sister to a place to sit. They both seemed pretty happy chatting along to one another so I let myself get lost in the endless lists of disgusting sounding food.

"I love sushi so much!" Milly exclaimed, bringing me back from my dream world. Harry laughed at her and I saw this as my chance to start making excuses.

"Really Mills? These all look disgusting to me." I cringed and Milly rolled her eyes at me.

"Yes but a flattened out lump of processed cow in a bun doesn't sound very appetising either, does it? You're too fussy, Grace." Milly replied and Harry burst out laughing. I couldn't help but chuckle a bit but I meatily slapped her because she really wasn't helping.

"Well you're too sarcastic, Milly." I shot back and rolled my eyes.

"Grace if you keep rolling your eyes like that they're going to roll out of your head." Milly said and I couldn't help but throw the menu at her.

"Ladies ladies!" Harry jokingly calmed us, reaching out to grab anything throwable.

"What are you going to have?" Harry asked me, twirling a strand of my long hair round his finger.

"I don't know. I'm not really that hungry." I whined and rubbed my eyes.

"Are you sure?" Harry didn't seem too phased, "we can grab something later on the way home if you get hungry, yeah?" He added on thoughtfully.

No. I thought. "Yeah." I said.

"What about you Milly?" Harry repeated but I got lost in thought. Everyone around me seemed so skinny. Nearly all the women in this place had some type of skinny trouser on and they all looked so slim and perfect. I looked down at my thighs and gasped. Had I really let myself get to this size again? I need to start working out more often, the dancing and sport lessons at school wasn't enough. I was fat again. I needed to cut down on the fatty foods. No more sugar or salt. No more snacking in between meals. No more lunch, in fact. No more dinner either because I wouldn't have the time to work any of that off.

I grabbed my head as all these haunting thoughts rushed back into my head.

"Grace, are you OK, love?" Harry's sweet voice calmed me and brought me back to reality. I took a deep breath and felt myself resting my head on his chest as he brought me in for a tight hug.

"It's okay." Harry's comforting words and strong scent didn't belittle the demons in my mind. Nor Milly's 'awws' or the camera sound that had come from her phone but that's not the point.

"You good?" Harry grabbed my face in his hands and brought it up in line with his. He looked into my eyes questioningly and I have him a small false smiled in reply. Convinced, he nodded, wiped a small tear from my eye with his thumb and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Ok, Milly, why don't you go and order?" I could hardly hear Harry speaking as I tried to calm myself down and out of panic attack mode. I can't believe after all this time and effort, I was letting these thoughts back in because of a small comment that was made as a joke.

"Grace," Harry shook my shoulder gently and I looked up at him, noticing that Milly had gone.

"I'm OK," I lied, smiling at him reassuringly.

"No you're not." he could see right through me.

"I'm fine, Harry. Stop worrying." I told him again, trying to convince myself too.

"Tell me when we're in the car, okay?" His eyes darted off in a different direction before he said this so I'm guessing that Milly was on her way back.

"Guess who's back." Milly sung as she jumped up onto the seat again.

"Yay." I said sarcastically (or truthfully, in other words.)

"Can we take some selfies?" Milly spoke again, mainly aiming it at Harry who was sitting in between Milly and I.

"Ooh yeah, am I going to be on your instagram?" Harry asked and I chuckled helplessly.

"I'm not sure, if it goes with my theme then yes. I'll decide when I'm home." They took one. "But if they don't these are definitely going on my Twitter, I am looking hella good today!" Oh I love my sister.

"OK make sure you tag me, yeah? And add a filter if I don't look on point." Harry said, making fun of Milly's girly personality, but she was too absorbed in sorting her hair and getting the right angle to realise what he was doing.

"Come on Grace, one of the three of us." Milly said and Harry swung his arm round my shoulder, dragging me into his side. I smiled at the camera even though I had no idea what I looked like - I was too buried into Harry's jumper.

"Do a silly one too!" Milly said as she crossed her eyes and smile widely. My best effort was to stick out my tongue but in pretty sure I looked stupid enough anyway.

"Aw so cute!" Milly said as she scrolled through the pictures we'd just taken. "But Harry, how do you look good in all of them?"

"It comes naturally."

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