chapter eighteen

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Fade into you.

☆ ☆ ☆

Arwen Milton

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Arwen Milton

I hadn't seen the kids in over a week. I hadn't seen Harry in over a week now and I slightly felt like the worlds worst person for just abandoning them in that way, but I wasn't entirely sure how I was supposed to face Harry again after slapping him.

I couldn't just show up on his doorstep all rosy and smiley, forgetting everything had happened. I couldn't do that. Though hiding within the four walls of my home wasn't going to solve anything.

I just couldn't face Harry right now, not with all of this anger that was building inside of me. I was certain I would slap him yet again. I was always taught that violence wasn't the answer, though maybe this time it was granted.

I have no idea what Harry was doing when I leaned into me last week. I wasn't sure what his intentions were and I don't think he even knew what he was doing. I was convinced that he was still drunk from the night before, he must've still had a lot of alcohol in his system. That must be the only reasonable explanation for whatever the hell happened.

I couldn't make sense of it.

I acted upon impulse, but also with the hope that maybe a slap around the face would sort him out, like some sort of slap to reality. Then I just ran. Without even saying goodbye to the kids, I ran because I was terrified of Harry's response to physical violence.

I knew he wouldn't hit me back, he would never do such a thing to anybody, let alone a woman. He wasn't the type to ever get physical with anybody, it was his words that I was afraid of.

He's always had a way with words, being a songwriter and all of that, he's got responses for nearly everything and he has such a way of conveying his words too. It just scared me. Mainly because I shouldn't have done it and I knew that. I knew it was wrong, I knew my mistake and I was too afraid to acknowledge it.

So I had been hiding in my tiny house, under the covers with the lights off in attempts to make myself invisible to the world.

It had surprised me on my third day of hiding that Harry had actually phoned me, though only the once so I knew that he wasn't phoning me for anything serious. I knew that if he was in a sticky situation or the kids were hurt, he'd phone more than once. But he only phoned the once and I didn't answer, he didn't leave a voicemail either.

On day five I was tempted to text him, just to ask if everything was okay and if they needed anything I was here, but then I got an overpowering fear of Harry turning up on my doorstep to speak with me face to face, so I very quickly deleted that message and returned to my little burrow of blankets I had made.

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