Chapter two

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Annabeth Chase's POV

My life is so nice right now.

No wars.

No worries.

I can just sit back and relax and spend some quality time with my boyfriend.

Other demigods might think it's a bit boring without having any quests to go on or anything, (looking at you, Clarisse.) but I like it.

I was laying on the beach with Piper while Percy and Jason had a water fight when it happened.

The sky cracked open, and seven teenagers came tumbling out. Before they could even try to stand up and run away, campers surrounded them. Percy was out of the water in two seconds flat, his sword drawn.

Chiron came wheeling up, shouting at us in ancient Greek to stop the attack.

I was a little surprised when a girl with blonde hair and brown eyes answered us in Ancient Greek.

"We come in peace, please don't attack me and my friends."

Chiron raised an eyebrow and stepped out of the wheelchair, stretching into his full centaur form. A girl with black hair tipped in silver trembled and hid behind a boy with bangs dipped in matching silver. Chiron held up his hands and switched to English.

"I'm terribly sorry, my dears, we may have gotten off on the wrong foot."

An older guy with shaggy blond hair smirked.

"Do you mean, on the wrong hoof?"

That earned him a slap from the girl who spoke ancient Greek, reminding me indirectly of Percy and I.  Chiron sighed.

"Who are you, and what brings you to Camp Half Blood? You're obviously not mortals, because you would have not been able to enter our camp."

The Greek speaking girl stepped forward.

"We don't mean to intrude, but I was just trying to teleport my friends and I, but I got stuck in the void and got drawn to this place, so--"

Shaggy Hair cut her off. "Uhh, Foster? Maybe start with names." He gestured to my fellow campers and friends, who were standing with stupefied looks on their faces. Foster blushed.

"Sorry. My name is Sophie, this is Keefe, "She pointed to Shaggy Hair. "Tam and Linh," She gestured to the two people with black and silver hair. "Dex," A kid with strawberry-blonde hair gave an upwards nod, his hands busy working on a small device, like Leo does all the time. "And Fitz and Biana." A beautiful girl with teal eyes and chocolate brown hair smiled and gave a small wave, And Fitz, the guy next to her, frowned and crossed his arms. Sophie blew out a breath and continued. 

"We are elves, and we have no idea where we are."

Percy dropped Riptide in surprise.


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