Chapter Sixteen.

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Annabeth Chase's POV

I heard Frank and Hazel running down Thalia's hill before I saw the two purple-clad figures. 

After Sophie had sneaked in late last night, I figured she was down by the beach, but she told me she went to the infirmary and heard from Will that they'd be arriving today, so when I saw her and Keefe already by the docks, I wasn't surprised.

Hazel barreled down the hill faster than Frank, and almost couldn't slow down as she slammed into me with a huge hug. 

Piper and Jason were running up the hill toward us too. I ruffled Hazel's fluffy caramel hair.

"Hey girl! How's life been?"

Hazel released me from her bear hug.

"Great! Life at Camp Jupiter is improving now that I'm not an outcast, and I have Frankie!"

I smiled at the pet name.

Behind me, Frank was also squeezing Percy and Jason at the same time. They looked incredibly uncomfortable.

Piper and Hazel performed their not-so-secret handshake before Piper pulled her into a hug. 

"No, you do not tell someone that, Keefe! Are you serious right now?"

"Duh Foster."

"Don't 'duh Foster' me!"

I turned around to see Sophie and Keefe's arguing figures coming up the hill. Frank let Percy and Jason go, each of them rubbing their sides.

"Hey, new campers! When did they show up?"

Hazel questioned as Sophie and Keefe drew into hearing range.

"A few days ago. And they're one of many new campers, actually."

I explained. Keefe produced his trademark smirk and stuck out his hand.

"Hello, comrades. What are the names?"

I had to suppress a laugh when Sophie covered her face with her hands in shame.

"I apologize for Keefe."

Hazel laughed.

"It's okay, I'm used to it. Leo is the same way."

I had to agree to that. Frank took Keefe's outstretched hand and shook it.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Frank."

"Hi Frank, I'm Keefe and this is my girl Sophie."

Sophie unleashed a full-force glare at Keefe.


"Well, what do you prefer? Significant other?"

"Significant annoyance, in your case."

Sophie rolled her eyes and Hazel stifled a laugh.

"Hi. I'm Hazel, Nico's half-sister. Which reminds me, I need to see him. I'll see you guys later!"

She ran down the hill to the infirmary, with Piper at her heels. Jason looked perplexed. He glanced at Percy.

"Do I follow her, or...?"

Percy nodded.

"Yeah. It's easier that way."

He blocked a well-aimed elbow jab and saw Jason off down the hill. It was Sophie's turn to stifle a laugh.

"Anyway," Frank said. "What happened, and what did Will mean when he IM'ed us saying twenty new campers showed up?"

"Not twenty," Sophie explained. " Eleven. Six are me and my friends, we're elves.  Five are Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, and George, they're wizards."

Frank looked very, very confused.

"Annabeth, will you explain this time?"

I nodded.

"Yes, but not right now. It'll be easier with Hazel here so I don't have to explain twice."

I started leading them down the hill. We made it to the infirmary quickly, although Frank had to stop and say hi to some campers who recognized him.

"Nico Di Angelo, if you don't eat this, I will shove it down your throat."

Hazel's voice said, although she didn't sound like she meant it.

"Fine. I'll eat it."

Nico's weak voice answered. 

Will and Hazel were crowded around Nico's tiny cot, so Will didn't notice us until Frank tripped on a chair. 

"Hey guys."

Nico waved weakly. Frank rushed over to Hazel, who was feeding Nico pieces of ambrosia.

"I know why you're here."

He pointed to Sophie and Keefe.

"You want to know about The Source. Well, let me tell you, if the bad guys have it, we're pretty much doomed. Unless--" He cut out id a fit of coughs. Will ran to get him a glass of water, leaving us all hanging on a cliffhanger.

"Sorry. Unless we make something out of Nothing, and free The Source from the stone."

A/N:  I know I used a Trials of Apollo line, I couldn't resist.

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