Chapter Thirty-Two

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Sophie Foster's POV

I wouldn't say I like this quest.

Seriously, this is the third time I've been enveloped in darkness since we started a few days ago. The. Third. Time. 

I. Am. So. Sick. Of. Darkness.

So that's why I was angry and ready to fight when we dropped out of the weird shadowy bus thing.

But the shadowy thing dropped us from the air, so we fell a few feet first.

Not that great for Hermione's foot. 

Or anyone else, really. We all got the wind knocked out of us.

Can't I get a vacation for less than a week???

Will was the first one on his feet, having used demigod/ Apollo healing powers on himself before helping Nico and the others bounce back. When he got to me, Keefe helped pull me to my feet so we could look around.

Nothing made sense.

We were everywhere and nowhere at once.

Standing upright and upside down.

Surrounded by darkness and light.

The light was too bright. It grew brighter and brighter until actual scenery started to appear.

Palm trees and warm sand.

The woosh of the sound of the ocean.


Leo yelled. "CRAP CRAP!! TARTARUS, NO!"

"What's wrong?"

Tam asked. He was pulling Biana to her feet and blinking the light from his eyes.

"We're on fricking Ogygia. WE'RE STUCK HERE NOW!" Leo threw a fireball into the sky and kicked the white sand.

"Well, when I said I've always wanted a vacation, this is exactly what I imagined," Dex said, pulling out a gadget from his pocket and fiddling with it. "But now we're stuck here."

"Is there any way to escape?" Fitz asked. He was pouting on the sand next to Percy and Annabeth. Percy had been here before. He should know.

"No. Not unless the gods take pity on us."

Of course, Percy didn't know. We were screwed.

Then, the sand in front of me and Keefe started to swirl around. Keefe grabbed my hand and pulled me back just as a figure emerged from the swirling cloud of dust.

"Hello, dear children. You made it! Congratulations!" He held out his arms and smiled. His black hair and black robe were darker than any shadows I'd ever seen. Of course, Erebus was the god of darkness. Just his presence was making the whole island feel darker.

"Schist," Hazel muttered under her breath, then slapped a hand over her mouth and gasped.

Poor, Hazel, she never cursed.

Frank patted her on the back as Erebus sighed and smiled creepily again.

"No hellos for a god? What a shame, I give good hugs. Now, The Source please, and you can go."

He's lying, I transmitted to Annabeth. She jumped a little but nodded. I started channeling my anger, ready to inflict on Erebus. But he glanced at me as if he knew what I was doing. With a dismissive sigh, he flicked his hand and all the energy and power I had stored up inside me drained away, leaving me exhausted and weak.

I couldn't help myself. I collapsed on the sand.

"Sophie!" Keefe knelt down next to me. "WAT DID YOU DO?" 

Erebus looked slightly shocked at Keefe's outburst, but he just shrugged.

I turned off her little tricks, for now. I can't do it to most of you others, however. Now that you all know you're resisting too much." He flicked his hand at Hazel, who grew very pale and doubled over. Then he did the same with Nico and Tam. Linh and Biana caught Tam before he fell, groaning and actually looking more healthy now that there weren't any shadows In his system. 

Will eased Nico to the ground, where he was having trouble breathing. Nico seemed to be made of shadows, so by taking them out Erebus had removed a lot of Nico's health. He looked almost transparent. Frank pulled Hazel to her feet, where she wobbled.

"There, that evens the odds. You see, I can take any little ability that involves darkness, being the god of it. Sorry. That looks like it hurts."

He was talking to Nico, who was now laying flat on the sand, his skinny chest barely moving up and down. Will was panicking by his side, but when Erebus spoke he stood up in a flurry of rage.

"You piece of schist! Go to Tartarus!"

I had never expected Will to use such terrible words. Ginny and Geroge Were frozen in shock, staring at the dark god. Harry, Hermione, and Ron were frozen too.

"H-how? I killed you. You dissolved, right in front of my face. YOU SHOULD BE DEAD!"

"Ah, my dear boy, Erebus addressed Harry, who had unfrozen and was pointing his wand at the god of darkness.

"It is very hard to kill the lord of darkness, now isn't it? Of course, I only took Voldemort's form during his dark times, not when he was a boy. I motivated him. And personally, the look suits me, don't you think?"

Erebus gestured to himself.

"Harry, what does he mean?" I asked him shakily. Even talking took too much energy.

"It means," Harry said with a look of terror on his face, "That lord Voldemort is back. And I already killed him. Eight years ago. I killed him."

Erebus only laughed.

"That's right, Harry Potter. I am lord voldemort. Would you like me to spell it with your wand in the air again?" 

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