Chapter Ten.

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Hermione Granger's POV

I'm honestly glad Ron read the directions wrong, because if he hadn't, we wouldn't have ended up here, wherever we are.

It's much better than being chased by dementors.

Harry stood up first after a few more people came running toward us.

"Hello, my name is Harry Potter. Mind telling us where we are?"

Typical Harry, cutting to the chase. Ron helped me up, and I got my first good look at the people surrounding us. 

A boy who looked strikingly like Harry, with black hair and green eyes.

A girl with grey eyes and blonde hair.

A centaur wearing a shirt.

Two more blonde kids, one with brown eyes and one with ice blue. They were holding hands, and the brown-eyed girl had sand in her hair.

"Sorry to drop in, we're kind of lost," George said. He straightened his pin-stripe shirt. "My idiot brother read the map upside-down, so to speak."

The centaur cleared his throat.

"Are you demigods from Camp Jupiter?"

Harry shook his head and pulled Ginny to her feet.

"Uh, no, we're from England? Tell us where the Black House is and we'll be on our merry way."

The centaur shook his head.

"I'm sorry, I have no knowledge of a 'Black House'. And, ah, where are my manners? My name is Chiron, and this is Annabeth." 

He gestured to the girl with grey eyes. She gave a small polite smile and whispered something to the boy with black hair next to her. He lifted his head in an upward nod.

"Percy Jackson, nice to meet you."

Percy and Harry shook hands. Then he pointed to the two other children.

"That's Sophie and Keefe, some of our newest arrivals."

Keefe gripped Sophie's hand tighter and grinned awkwardly.

"And you are?"

Percy asked Harry.

"Harry Potter, and my wife, Ginny."

Ginny smiled and flipped her bright red hair that had tiny braids running through it.

"My good friend Ron Weasley, and his fiance, Hermione. And Ron's brother, George. We're after the Source."

"The what?"

Keefe asked.

"The Source. The thing that keeps attacking our kind with giant black dogs and death eaters."

Harry grabbed Ginny's hand.

"Sorry, but who is your kind, exactly?"

I glanced at Ron in surprise. I had thought they were wizards, because I could see an aurora of power around them.

"Well, we're wizards, you see. You aren't? There's quite the aroma of power around here."

I supplied them with the answer, leaving them shocked. Sophie gasped.

"Just like Kiara said!"

She said, mostly to herself. She glanced at Keefe and they exchanged a silent conversation.

"Bloody hell, if you're not magic, then what are you?"

"Demigod's, dear boy." Chiron said. "And elves. We have quite the stories to share with each other."

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