Chapter four

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Sophie Foster's POV


A guy with black hair and emerald green eyes exclaimed. He dropped his golden sword, which shrank into a pen. A guy with blond hair and sky-blue eyes next to him slid a coin back into his pocket with a look of disappointment on his face. He turned to his friend with black hair.

"Man, the War really screwed up my instinct."

He said in Ancient Greek. I could understand them, but he didn't seem to notice.

"Wait, what war?"

Sky eyes looked at me with surprise.

"You did not just understand what I just said, right?"

I nodded. I understood every word. he and his friend turned to Chiron the centaur.

"Chiron, what the heck?"

He shook his head and walked farther away to talk to a girl with choppy, braided hair and dark skin.

"I-'m sorry, elves have abilities, you see, and one of mine is being able to speak any language. Could you do me a favor and tell us where we are, so that we can leave you guys at peace?"

Chiron opened his mouth to say something, but then an alarm started ringing. Immediately, all the campers sprung into action, grabbing weapons and putting on armor. Chiron grimaced.

"Visitors, please get to the big house. Monster attacks are very frequent, and we will deal with them shortly."

He shooed us in the direction of the country house, but I stopped my friends before they could go.

"Chiron, sir, we can help! We--"

I watched with amazement as the guy with black hair drew up a huge wave from the lake and threw it at the forest. Monsters of all shapes and sizes washed out, where they were immediately attacked. Linh gasped and started running towards the crazy battle scene, closely followed by an angry Tam and Biana.

Of course, I followed them.

Kids were everywhere, growing plants out of the ground and putting monsters to sleep.

Linh and the black haired guy were fighting back to back, creating monstrous fists made of water to smash monsters into golden dust. Tam was fighting close to a guy with a black sword. They were both using shadows to their advantage. 

Somehow, Biana had gotten a hold of a sword and was popping up in front of monsters and slicing them in half.

Dex made weapons on the spot and threw them into the crowd. I was enhancing Keefe, who was yelling at monsters to make them confused and start fighting each other. 

Strangely, the girl with choppy hair was doing it too. 

Ske eyes was flying around and using wind and lighting to zap monsters.

Later, I would fully realize what I saw, but now I just rolled with it.

The monsters were all gone as quickly as they'd come, and the ground was littered with golden dust.

my friends and I were all breathing heavily, as were the kids around us. Then I noticed what everyone had been doing. Black hair was staring at Linh like she was a precious piece of glass. Sky eyes was watching Biana blink in and out as she paced around.

"Hold up, are you guys Elves?"

I asked at the same time Black Sword asked, "Are you guys Demigods?"

"What's a Demigod?"

Keefe asked

"What's an Elf?"

A skinny kid with soot covered skin and wavy brown hair retorted. Chiron galloped to us and sighed. He had obviously  seen us use our abilities.

"Cabin meeting, right now. Our visitors are coming as well. This, we must figure out."

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