Chapter six

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Sophie Fosters POV

I couldn't believe it.

Dex was a Demigod.

And an elf.

This was making zero sense. 

Then it got even more confusing.  

Another light flashed from somewhere to my left. It was Linh, and she had a blue trident hovering over her head. A black half-circle/cross appeared over Tam's head. A silver owl flashed over mine. A pink dove flashed over Keefe and Biana's heads. A red Greek war helmet bobbed over Fitz. 

Instantly, the whole room erupted into yells and cheers, with Chiron sitting in shock. Nico Di Angelo, the most depressed kid I'd ever seen, was staring at Tam with his mouth open in shock. A small smile appeared on his face. Annabeth was smiling and kissing Percy, and Piper was jumping up and down with joy.

"Everyone, stop!"

I held out my hands and squeezed my eyes shut. The noise dimmed.

"Okay. Will someone just tell me what the heck just happened?"

The silver owl above my head flashed away, and one by one the symbols over everyone else's heads did too. Chiron smiled.

"You have all just been claimed by your godly parent. Ms. Sophie, you are a daughter of Athena, the goddess of wisdom, and sister to Annabeth."

He pointed to the girl with blond hair and grey eyes who was kissing Percy.

"Tam, you are a child of Hades, the god of the underworld. Nico is your brother."

Nico shook Tam's hand, although he still looked bewildered.

"Linh, you are a daughter of Poseidon, the god of the sea. Percy is your brother."

Percy grinned big. I couldn't see any resemblance between the new siblings, or I to Annabeth. 

"Keefe and Biana, you are children of Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, marriage, and love. You are related to Piper."

Piper smiled and gave Biana a hug.

"And Fitz, you are a son of Ares, the god of war. Clarisse is your sister."

Chiron pointed to a muscled girl sitting at the other end of the table. She grinned wickedly and gave Fitz a thumbs up.

"Any questions?" Chiron asked.

"Yeah, actually, we all have two parents at home who we know are our actual parents, and Ares can't do telepathy, right? Because Fitz can do that. And I have five abilities. And Tam and Linh are twins, they can't have different parents. Fitz and Biana are siblings too."

Chiron ran a hand through his hair.

"it might be that Elves are some of the original descendants of the gods. Mixing over the years had produced these new abilities, such as telepathy or teleportation, or the ability to speak every language. But, never the less, you are still distantly related to the direct descendants of your godly heritage, as I mentioned. The matchmaking system you've also mentioned must have kept godly blood out of the way, which is why you've managed to merge godly powers into different abilities, and genetic bonds strengthened them..."

He got lost in thought, so Annabeth, my new sister, stood up and ushered everyone out.

"Everyone is going to be so excited! We've never gotten this many new claimed campers before. You guys will meet all your new siblings over dinner, which is in a few minutes. We can stop at your respective cabins and get you settled in, if you'd like."

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