Chapter Twelve.

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Annabeth Chase's POV

"So, you're saying that your death eaters are the Elves Neverseen, and Hellhounds are working with them?"

Percy shook his head, clearly struggling to process this new information..

"I need to talk to Mrs. O'Leary."

Ginny looked like she wanted to ask, but she didn't.

"Who are the Elves you're talking about?"

She asked instead. 

"Sophie, Keefe Tam, Linh, Biana, and Fitz. The people who arrived the other day. They're distant descendants of the gods, and they inherited some of the godly powers."

Percy gave a quick summary of the story Sophie told, as well as a summary of the war with Gaea. Ginny reached for Harry's hand any time Percy mentioned death or big battles.

"What about you guys? Who every Moldy Nose is, he knew about Hellhounds and Elves too."

Harry grimaced and gave a quick description of Horcruxes and Hogwarts, a school I really want to visit, wizard culture, and the final battle at Hogwarts when he was 18. Harry and Percy were starting to have a lot in common.

"Wow. I thought I was the only one who cheated death. Dude," He offered Harry a high-five, which he accepted. "You are badass."

"Percy, language."

"You've said wayyy worse in ancient Greek." That was true.

"Fine, fine. So, what is The Source? Some kind of... weapon of darkness?"

"Almost," Ginny explained. "The Source powers all dark magic and, in extreme cases, can control death. It allows dark forces to merge with each other or duplicate, which is why we were attacked by so many hounds. Whoever holds The Source now is using it. Based on how you described your battle, The Source holder has you targeted as well, and your elvish friends."

Harry shrugged.

"You left out a few key parts... but yes, that is the gist of it."

Ginny rolled her eyes and refrained from punching Harry. I had seen the look on her face before because I had to keep from punching Percy a lot too.

"So, if we take The Source and destroy it, our separate world will stop being attacked?"

I questioned. Ginny nodded, her flaming hair catching the last rays of the setting sun.

"That is why we are here, if only by accident. My idiot brother Ron read the map upside-down. We are very lucky we stumbled onto those on our side. Last time, we landed in Albania and had to deal with some vampires. Only that time, it was my brother George who read the map wrong."

"How many brothers do you have?" I asked. 

"Seven. I-I mean, six."

Her bright eyes had gotten so troubled, I didn't bother asking, only shooting Ginny a sympathetic glance. 

"We should be heading back to our cabins. If we're out past curfew, the harpies will eat us."

Percy pulled me up off the sand and brushed himself off. Harry offered a hand to Ginny, which she took and didn't let go. 

"I'll tell the rest of our friends about The Source, and try to find out more about it. The we can exchange information in the morning."

I said. Harry nodded, and theywalked off the beach without another word. i could hear the distant screeched of the harpies on their night patrol. Chiron had told horror stories of demigods being eaten after being caught past curfew, so Percy and I hurried up to get to our cabins.

Percy kissed me goodnight, just like he always does.

I entered my cabin to the sound of soft music playing, which was abruptly cut off when Sophie and Malcolm, who were in deep conversation, noticed me come in.

"Sophie, I  need to talk to you."

I told her about The Source and all its power. She took a deep breath and reached up to tug out an eyelash.

"I need to talk to Tam."

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