A really special part

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A/N: Hello again, my sad people.

I know I said I'm taking a writing break in my other fanfic, Tiana Stories, but I already started working on my new story and I want to give you guys an exclusive sneak peak that I just wrote.

Thank me later.

Here it is, copy and pasted off google docs!!

Hi, I guess. My therapist is making me write this to 'help my sanity recover'. I didn't even know my sanity was in trouble in the first place.

Is that bad? Not knowing if you're crazy or not?

I guess I should start at the beginning then. Wayyyyy back to when I was innocent and my life was a crap ton better.

I was ten years old and my little sister was seven when the bad thing happened. The thing I never talk about, and the reason I'm here.

My whole family was at my school for a PTA meeting around the end of my fifth-grade year. I held my little sister's hand so that she wouldn't get lost in the crowd.

"Roze, I have to go to the bathroom!" My sister, Lily, whispered in my ear. My mom, Dahlia, volunteered to take Lily and I to the bathroom while my dad stayed behind to talk to my English teacher.

I only remember clearly because that trip to the bathroom saved my life.

I was waiting for my mom to wash her hands when the first shots broke out. My mom stiffened and froze, unable to do anything but turn off the sink.

Screams started echoing from the hallway. More gunshots. I came to my senses and dragged my sister into a bathroom stall, hoping my mom would follow.

She didn't. She was still frozen by the sink.

I made a terrible mistake locking the stall door and ordering my sister to put her feet on the toilet seat so we wouldn't be seen.

It was very hard to keep seven-year-old her quiet. She whimpered and I clapped my hand over her mouth.

I was working hard on controlling my breathing. I was good in tough situations, even as a ten year old. Once, Dad set the kitchen stove on fire and I was the only one quick enough to put it out. Or that time Lily wasn't paying attention to our dog and got tangled up in the leash.

So I kept myself quiet. Mom made no move to escape into a stall. The gunshots kept coming closer. Then, the girl's bathroom door opened.

"Easy as baking a pie," The killer's dark voice said. A gunshot. The sound of my mother's body hitting the floor.

I was the one who whimpered. Lily hadn't seen it happen.

The shooter's steps came closer.


Then, the lock on the stall door was blasted open and the door creaked open. A man with a ski mask and black clothes greeted us.

"Hello, girlies. Time to sleep now."

He pointed the gun at us and I closed my eyes and pulled Lily closer, waiting for the inevitable.

I bet you're wondering how I'm writing this if I died.

That's because I did.

I'm an evil B*tch, I know. You'll see, I'll start actually writing after I publish my book on Amazon.

For now, have fun dwelling in the dark depths that your imagination will give you after that cliff hangar.

Good-bye for now, dearest readers. 

-You're afavorite cliff-hangar maker.

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