Chapter Twenty.

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Annabeth Chase's POV


I said when Sophie came into his office behind me.

His desk looked the same, still cluttered. A half-eaten bagel sat on top of a file.

His magical wheelchair was shoved in the corner, gathering dust. 

"Wait," Sophie said. She moved past me and closer to Chiron's desk, sliding a black piece of paper from under the bagel. "This doesn't look like a normal piece of paper."

I reached out to touch it, and it exploded in a cloud of black dust the second I laid a finger on it. The cloud spun around, forming words in mid-air.


A husky, deep voice came from every direction. It was the same voice in my head back in the clearing. Sophie covered her ears.


The dust cloud slowly sank into the ground, taking with it the echoing words Four days. Four days. Four days.

"A-Annabeth? What was that thing?"

"I don't know."

Being an Athena child and not knowing something is one of the scariest things that will ever happen to you, especially when your friends are in danger.

"It can't be Thatanos, he's been in the underworld since the war with Gaea, according to Nico, so then it's something much worse. Clearly, the person who already has The Source isn't who gave us this message."

I leaned against the desk, a plan already forming in my mind.

"I have an idea, but for it to work, we need the wizards, the demigods, and the elves to unite."

Sophie crossed her arms over her chest, shaking slightly.

"If that's not who has The Source, why was it the same voice?"

I knew what she meant. The voice in the visions.

"That whole thing was a trap. Dusty over here knew we would come for Chiron. He set us up."

"Do you have any theories on who Dusty is?"

I leaned back on the desk, thinking back as far as the god's family tree went.

"Oh my gods, I bet I know who it is. It's the person who created The Source. It's part of him. Erebus, the god of darkness. It was obviously stolen for a reason, and if he wants it back it can't be good."

"Are there any other scary gods who might be on his side?"

I liked Sophie's way of thinking. She isolated the strengths and weaknesses before planning.

"Yes. Deimos, the god of terror, and his brother Phobos, the god of fear. I've faced them before. But if they're all working together, we might not beat them this time."

I shuddered thinking about the fight in the well with Piper.

"Okay. Anyone else?"

"Nyx, the goddess of night, maybe, but she's stuck in Tartarus, she can't do much."

Sophie tugged out three eyelashes before speaking again.

"Okay. So, we have a lot of scary enemies. But do we have a chance?"

"Yes, if we follow my plan. Within less than four days."

The voice was still whispering in my head. Four days. Four days. Four days.

"We need to talk to the others. I mean, everyone. The wizards and all your friends."

Sophie said. She picked up my bone sword off the ground from where I had dropped it and handed it to me.

"Thanks. This reminds me, we need to find you a nice weapon."

Sophie just shrugged and walked out of Chiron's dusty office.

"I already have one, don't worry." She tapped her temple. "I can inflict pain on people."

I tried not to let that freak me out a little.

"Well, we should still find you a dagger anyways, in case you run out."

She smiled and nodded.

"Do you have any throwing stars? I'm really good with those."

"We have a few, yeah."

I decided not to ask. We walked out of the big house and onto the grass by the pavilion. Percy came running up to us.

"Hey, what'd Chiron say?"

Sophie and I exchanged a glance.

"Percy, can you get all the wizards and elves into the infirmary to talk? We have some pretty big news."

"What? It's not bad, right?"

"Well, we have four days to save the world, and we're missing Chiron. I'd say level ten bad."

A/N: Nick Fury vibes at the end of Avengers: Infinity War when he calls Captain Marvel before he gets dusted:(  If you want to read an awesome Spiderman Fanfic, I recommend Havoc by stilestastic if you're interested! Happy reading!

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