Chapter Thirty

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Annabeth Chase's POV

As far as I knew, I was the only one Dark, also known as Brant and Goyle, conveniently forgot to knock out. I was still tied to a chair and gagged, however. 

I couldn't believe I'd fallen for the trick, one of the oldest in the book. Hide on either side of the door and ambush.

I feel so stupid right now it's not even funny.

Then Another door opened, and Hermione stepped through, supported by Ron and clutching a small black stone. Her foot was swollen around the ankle. Will was frantically trying to find anything to bandage her with, but he stopped when he noticed Nico, slumped in the chair closest to the door.

"Ahh, the rest of the group has arrived."

Dark/Brant/Goyle said. He smiled when Hermione and Ron gasped, and Fitz and Tam took a step back in surprise.

"You're supposed to be dead," Hermione and Tam breathed at the same time.

"I am, aren't I? Well, when you hold the thing that controls death, it's very hard to stay dead."

He chuckled to himself and pulled The Source out of the top drawer on his desk. The Stone that was holding it now was cracked and broken, and streams of darkness were leaking out.

"Yes, I see you've brought me my new Stone. Give it here, please." Dark held out his hand expectantly, but Hermione tightened her grip on the stone in her hand.

"Not until you free everyone." She gestured to the group tied to the chairs. Leo came up behind her.

"Yes please, I can see my bro Dex is also unconscious, and I prefer him awake if that's all cool with you?"

Dark seemed too shocked to answer, so Leo bounded into the room and started burning everyone's bonds. When he came to me, I moved my hands the slightest bit to let him know I was awake. He froze for a second but got the message and said nothing.

"No, what are you doing?"

Dark rose out of his chair with great effort. Moving seemed to drain him of all his energy. He noticed everyone in the room watching him.

"Sorry, dying twice takes a lot out of you."

He smoothed his patchwork of black hair. and sat back down in his desk chair.

"Give me the Stone. I don't have time for this."

He held out his hand again impatiently. Hermione refused again.

Dark/Brant/Goyle sighed and shook his head, a creepy smile appearing on his face, stretching his features.

"Then you must die."

I took that as my chance to jump out of my chair and punch Dark in the face.

He was knocked unconscious.

"Hey, guys." I said as casually as I could. Leo hugged me.

"Do not do that again, chica. Copy?"

"Copy." I agreed as Hermione also hugged me after Leo let go. When she backed away, I noticed her not putting any weight on her injured ankle. Harry went straight for Ginny's chair and flicked his wand at her. She aroused immediately.

"Thank goodness it's not some kind of permanent sleep spell."

We all moved to wake up the others.


Once everyone had been awoken by Harry, Hermione, and Ron's spells, we gathered in the center of the room to meet about The Source. It was right in Dark's desk, as if tempting us to reach for it.

"So, do you think we can just grab it?"

Fitz asked from his perch by the door to the forest dimension, which hadn't closed yet. 

"No, it's too powerful. We need to somehow get it from the old stone to the new one without damaging it," Sophie said. She was clinging to Keefe's hand like a lifeline. She still seemed a little shaken up, and she winced everytime she looked at Dark's unconscious figure on the desk.

"So, let's do it." Nico said. He nodded at Tam and they almost grabbed the replacement stone before Will stopped them.

"Uh, how are you sure it's going to work? You could drain yourself too much."

"Yeah, I agree," Biana said, stepping up next to Tam. "I don't want anyone getting hurt."

Tam didn't protest, surprisingly.

Nico did though.

He smiled at Will and lunged, grabbing the stone from Hermione and the one from Dark's desk. He smashed them together, and the old Stone exploded, sending shards of rock and darkness all over the room. The darkness was quickly soaked up into the new stone, and once it was all in Nico practically flung the stone away, yelping and shaking his hand out.


"Nope. Did it though. Careful, stone's a little zappy."

He grinned and started wandering around in circles, muttering things like, "I looooove puppies!" under his breath. He had clearly gone mad.

Then Linh threw a ball of water at him.

He snapped out if it faster then yo can say George and Martha.

"Sorry. What'd I say?"

"NOTHING!" Will choked out through fits of carefully hidden laughter. 

Nico looked like he would have to talk to Will later.

"So, now what? We've got The Source, so now we move on to phase two of the plan, right?"

"Yeah," I said. " The even more dangerous part of the plan: Tricking a god."

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