Chapter Seven

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Sophie Foster's POV

Linh dropped to her knees by her brother's side. Nico Di Angelo looked up from where he was flattened on the ground.

"Took you guys long enough."

He dropped his head back to the ground. Will ran over to him, but Nico shook his head.

"Tam's got a nasty cut on his leg, help him first."

Will looked slightly reluctant, but he knelt beside Linh and started pulling things out from his med kit. I looked at Annabeth, not surprised when she glanced at Percy and nodded. 

Annabeth and Percy have a very deep connection.

Percy pulled water out of the stream and held it to the light, making a rainbow. Annabeth pulled a golden Greek coin out of her pocket- a dracma- and threw it into the rainbow, where it disappeared.

"Oh goddess Iris, please accept my offering."

The rainbow flashed once.

"Camp Half Blood!"

The rainbow turned into a translucent screen, which showed the Hermes cabin rigging explosives in the Ares cabin's barbed wire. 

"Hey, Connor!"

Annabeth yelled, waving through the misty screen. The boy named Connor came over, looking nervous.

"Annabeth, you'll blow our cover! What do you need at this moment in time, as we prank the Hades out of the Ares cabin?"

Annabeth rolled her eyes, and I suppressed a smile even though my friends were hurt.

"We need some Apollo kids in the forest, in that grove we use for capture the flag. Nico and Tam got attacked by some monsters. Can you send someone?"

Connor nodded. Chaos erupted in the background, with Ares kids having triggered one of Connor's traps. Sophie swore she could see Fitz in the background, waving a spear in the air and yelling in French. An explosion triggered a round of Greek curses from Connor that I won't bother repeating. He grinned sheepishly and waved his hand through the screen, ending the call. 

Annabeth sighed.

"Okay, help is on the way, Will."

"Good, because-"


A twig snapped in the shadows somewhere nearby. Tam, having just been revived, lifted his head and lifted a few shadows from the source of the sound. Will scolded him, but the absence of shadows revealed more danger.

A dozen huge black dogs made of shadows, all surrounding us.

"Aphòdeuma, Hellhounds! Sorry, Sophie, you haven't learned about them. Basically, they're giant dogs made of shadows that guard the underworld." 

"Any weaknesses?"

"Not that we know of."

Annabeth cursed again, adding a new swear word to my dictionary. Will shot up and had three bows nocked on his arrow before he was fully straightened. I heard Nico mutter, 'That's my guy,' before Percy and Linh teamed up and made a bubble shield around Tam and Nico, who were still recovering on the ground. 

Then, all at once, the hellhounds pounced.

Will dissolved three into golden dust in seconds, but for every one that fell, two more took its place. I stabbed and sliced alongside Annabeth with my sword, and in less than a minute I had golden dust in places I don't plan on mentioning. Percy had his sword/pen, Riptide, and he was doing his best to keep the hounds away from the water bubble Nico and Tam were sheltered.

I muttered a word I had learned from Clarisse, the Ares councilor. More hellhounds were emerging from the shadows of the forest. 

Will was almost out of arrows.

Percy was backed up against the bubble, which Linh was struggling to hold in place. 

This was a losing battle.

A hellhound tackled me, pinning me to a tree. I thought I was goners for sure, but it exploded in a paff of golden dust. 

Keefe and an army of demigods were standing outside the clearing, all armed and ready for battle.

Keefe had a bow, and he was standing in a position that meant he had been the one to shoot the hellhound on top of me.

"Nobody, and I mean, nobody, touches my girl."

Then he shot me a cocky smile and the demigods behind him unleashed a volley of arrows, taking out the hellhounds that were coming in from the forest.

It seemed like the flow would never stop.

Until Nico and Tam popped their bubble and unleashed a wave of shadows that took out every single hellhound.

No more appeared.

"Nico, I told you no more shadow tricks!"

Will said, already running up with his med kit. Nico grinned stupidly.

"Nico says no."

Then he collapsed on the ground again.

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